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WebTerminal 🚀

What is webterminal ?

Webterminal 🚀 is a self-hosted web app that boasts powerful features like

     ✔️ Remote command execution

     ✔️ Browse file system, download-upload files

     ✔️ Monitor status of processes

                                ...and much more, everything from your BROWSER 🌐 !!

Web terminal is an attempt to take the most advantage of the intutive medium - WEB, with the powerful tool - TERMINAL

Simple ⭐ yet Capable ⚡


Just run the app on the machine you want to control and access the web app at port 9000 from your BROWSER🌏.

🛠️ Running - The easy way

[recommended for remote machines - EC2]

To run the app, execute the following fat commands. It would download/update and start the app. (under webterminal-app folder in current user directory)


cd ~ && wget DIRECT_BINARY_HYPERLINK -O webterminalinstaller-LATEST.jar && java -jar webterminalinstaller-LATEST.jar && cd webterminal-app && chmod 777 && nohup ./ &

Windows (using cmd)

powershell -nop -c "Invoke-WebRequest 'DIRECT_BINARY_HYPERLINK' -OutFile %homepath%\webterminalinstaller-LATEST.jar" && cd %homepath% && java -jar webterminalinstaller-LATEST.jar && cd webterminal-app && start.bat

⚙️ JPS output shows the "webterminal.jar" process, to make sure that the server is running.

⚒️ Running - The normal way (alternative)

[recommended for your local machine]

Its just a 2 step process !!

STEP 1: Clone/Download this repository and extract.

STEP 2: Run start.bat/sh

The The easy way does the same, in a single command !!

⚙️ JPS output shows the "webterminal.jar" process, to make sure that the server is running.


After opening the web page 🌏, you will presented with Apps view.

Other views - Files view 📁 and Monitor view🖥️ can be accessed using the icons on the left.

Apps view:

Action in webterminal, simply speaking, is a pre-configured command and an directory (optional) to run it.

Each action would have Run now button on the webpage, which fires the command in the server.

By default, the application comes bundled with default apps.


The idea of action in apps view is to have a handy bag of utility commands pre-configured, like jps, process kill, even tailing a file...

Anything that can be executed on terminal (cmd or ssh) can be triggered from here, using any app ( the last app in the list ).

Files view:

Opening Files view icon (📁 -> from left of the page), would allow us to browse across all directories in the host.

You can navigate across directories, choose to download and upload a file. You can favourite 💗 frequently visited directories as bookmarks.

For file downloads, it would be zipped by default. In case of log files, it would be advantageous.

Uploading a file is as easy as navigating to desired directory and choosing upload. This upload is proven to be faster ⚡ than Windows RPD or Linux SFTP transfer, and has no size limit !!

Peer to peer file transfer

We can share files over the network without our local bandwidth. The transfer is cross platform compatible.

How to: For transferring, just open the webpage in the sender machine, and upload the file to your desired directory. [Web terminal server needs to be running only on receiver's box]

If the sender machine is linux, execute the below command in the directory:

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "file=@<FILETOUPLOAD>" http://<RECEIVER_HOST>:<PORT>/uploadfile?directory=

Monitor view:

Can be accessed by opening/hovering on Monitor view icon (🖥️ -> from left of the page).

A formuale is a piece of script that webterminal executes for every configurable interval of time and shows it on the webpage.


To check if appserver is running, you can find the status on pw1_appserver monitor (refreshes for every 10 seconds)

Admin guide

To check the Admin guide developing apps, monitors and more, please refer to this DOC.



+ This tool is strictly for internal use only
- DO NOT distribute to any client - not to be run on any PROD/UAT client systems.
Codename: Project everything