This is by far my biggest project! Back in times, when Web3 and NFTs were booming, I developed together with my team @n3robot. (
- Monitoring and Sniping NFTs on
- Monitoring and Minting NFTs on the ETH-Blockchain
- Monitoring and Entering Preming-Raffles
- Custom tools for creating and preparing ETH-Wallets
- And much more...
- Download the project and run the Main Class.
- Please concider this project as inspiration. Due to privacy reasons, all CSV files have been removed.
- Having a look at the ETH-Minting mechanics, will solve a lot of problems, in case you are planing to develop a Web3 ETH-bot.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.