Create excel reports, from any data structure (collection, array, objects) with a line of code!
composer require xerobase/excel-reporter
Create an instance of Export class
$exporter = new \Xerobase\ExcelReporter\Export();
You can simply export your data by calling export method :
// Your source can be an Eloquent Model
$books = \App\Models\Book::all();
// Or an associative array
$books = [
'Title' => 'Foo',
'Author' => 'Bar'
// Or an stdClass object
$books = new stdClass();
$books->title = 'Foo';
$books->author = 'Bar';
Maybe want to filter some of unnecessary fields :
$exporter->filterColumns(['id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'])->export($books);
Set direction to RTL :
Or change format to CSV :