This is a sentiments analysis example using LSTM. I tried 2 different datasets
a. News sentiments on Dow Jones Index -
b. Amazon food review dataset -
stocknews dataset is really small and all attempts to learn on such small dataset don't generalize. The training accuracy get upto 99% but the validation accuracy does not go beyond 55%
amazon food review data set is huge with around 0.5m data points. I train on first 50k examples and use a stacked LSTM network with Embedding layer. I downloaded Glove weights for the embedding layer. This training accuracy get up to 95% and the validation accuracy around 93%. When I run it next 100k unseen examples the accuracy drops to 82%.
The following module loads the stocknews dataset
The following module loads first 50k of the amazon dataset, it expects embeddings/glove.6B.100d.txt and amazon/Reviews.csv It considers 0 & 1 stars as negative reviews, removes 3 stars and considers 4 & 5 stars as positive reviews
The following module trains the LSTM for sentiments analysis,
The following module loads the last saved module and retrains it for more epochs.
The following module loads the trained model and uses it to predict sentiments on a dataset. You would need to adjust the dataset on which to train in the