A GraphQL wrapper for the Spotify Web API built with NodeJS, Express, Apollo Server, and React
Note: This is a work in progress with many future updates planned including better documentation, TypeScript support, and general cleanup. I like to use this project to help learn new tools and patterns and I can make a mess along the way.
Navigate to spotiql.herokuapp.com and log in with Spotify.
Once you log in, copy your access token from the page and navigate to spotiql.herokuapp.com/graphql
Set up HTTP Headers in the lower left corner with the following information:
"authorization": "Bearer <paste-access-token-here>"
- Use the Docs tab to see what requests are available and what query variables may be needed.
For example, the following search query:
query searchAll($q: String!) {
search(q:$q) {
tracks {
artists {
Will need the following query variables:
"q": "Bob Moses"
Created by Alex Rosenkranz