Λrrow Integrations is part of Λrrow.
Include arrow-integrations-jackson
in your gradle project:
implementation 'io.arrow-kt:arrow-integrations-jackson-module:${version}'
or, using gradle kotlin-dsl.
Include arrow-integrations-jackson
in your maven project:
To register support for arrow datatypes, simply call .registerArrowModule()
on the object mapper as follows:
import arrow.integrations.jackson.module.registerArrowModule
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.registerKotlinModule
val mapper = ObjectMapper()
currently supported datatypes:
Either<L, R>
Validated<E, A>
Ior<L, R>
Serialization and deserialization of data classes that incorporate arrow data types can be done as follows.
val mapper = ObjectMapper()
.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_ABSENT) // will not serialize None as nulls
data class Organization(val name: String, val address: Option<String>, val websiteUrl: Option<URI>)
data class ArrowUser(val name: String, val emails: NonEmptyList<String>, val organization: Option<Organization>)
val arrowUser = ArrowUser(
"John Doe",
Organization("arrow-kt", none(), URI("https://arrow-kt.io").some()).some()
which serializes as follows.
"name" : "John Doe",
"emails" : [ "john@email.com", "john.doe@email.com.au" ],
"organization" : {
"name" : "arrow-kt",
"websiteUrl" : "https://arrow-kt.io"
Notice that the Option<T>
is configurable via Jackson's serialization inclusion setting. In this example we have configured the serializer
to not serialize none()
as null, but instead omit it completely.
Various serializers / deserializers within arrow module are configurable.
For instance the field names used for serializing / deserializing Either
, Validated
or Ior
be configured within the registration step:
val mapper: ObjectMapper = ObjectMapper()
eitherModuleConfig = EitherModuleConfig("left", "right"), // sets the field names for either left / right
validatedModuleConfig = ValidatedModuleConfig("invalid", "valid"), // sets the field names for validated invalid / valid
iorModuleConfig = IorModuleConfig("left", "right") // sets the field names for ior left / right
.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_ABSENT) // do not serialize None as nulls
More example usages can be found in ExampleTest.kt
In real world scenarios Jackson can be installed as the json serialization/deserialization engine. These serializations / deserializations are normally done automatically.
For instance we can customize our mapper with .registerArrowModule()
as follows.
object JsonMapper {
val mapper: ObjectMapper = ObjectMapper()
.registerModule(KotlinModule(singletonSupport = SingletonSupport.CANONICALIZE))
This can then be installed accordingly.
A way to register of arrow data types JSON serialization / deserialization support in spring boot is as follows:
class JacksonConfiguration {
fun jsonMapper(): ObjectMapper = JsonMapper.mapper
When this bean is registered, the object mapper will be used to deserialize incoming and outgoing JSON payload.
Jackson support for arrow data type serialization / deserialization can similarly be registered in Ktor as follows:
install(ContentNegotiation) {
register(ContentType.Application.Json, JacksonConverter(JsonMapper.mapper))