This component provides features for ISO 3166-1 standard - get country codes according to standard.
composer require arslanimamutdinov/iso-standard-3166
- alpha2 - two-letter country code (recommended as the general-purpose code) e.g. RU;
- alpha3 - three-letter country code e.g. RUS;
- numericCodes - numeric country code e.g. 643;
- name - string country name e.g. Russian Federation.
Country - ISO 3166-1 standard model, contains properties:
- name - country name;
- alpha2 - country alpha2 code;
- alpha3 - country alpha3 code;
- numericCode - country numeric code.
ISO3166 - class provides set of function for working with ISO 3166-1 standard.
ISO3166Utility - service class wrapper over ISO3166 (need instantiate class object).
Model for representing single country ISO 3166-1 standard.
public function getName(): string;
Return: ISO 3166-1 country name.
$country = ISO3166::RU();
$name = $country->getName();
string(18) "Russian Federation"
public function getAlpha2(): string;
Return: ISO 3166-1 country alpha2 code.
$country = ISO3166::RU();
$alpha2 = $country->getAlpha2();
string(2) "RU"
public function getAlpha3(): string;
Return: ISO 3166-1 country alpha3 code.
$country = ISO3166::RU();
$alpha3 = $country->getAlpha3();
string(3) "RUS"
public function getNumericCode(): string;
Return: ISO 3166-1 country numeric code.
$country = ISO3166::RU();
$numericCode = $country->getNumericCode();
string(3) "643"
* @return Country[]
public static function getAll(): array;
* @return Country[]
public function getAll(): array;
Return: all ISO 3166-1 country standards representing by array of Country instances.
$countries = ISO3166::getAll();
$countries = (new ISO3166Utility())->getAll();
object(arslanimamutdinov\ISOStandard3166\Country)#251 (4) {
string(8) "Zimbabwe"
string(2) "ZW"
string(3) "ZWE"
string(3) "716"
* @param string[] $alpha2Codes
* @return Country[]
public static function getAllByAlpha2Codes(array $alpha2Codes): array;
* @param string[] $alpha2Codes
* @return Country[]
public function getAllByAlpha2Codes(array $alpha2Codes): array;
- $alpha2Codes - country alpha2 codes (strings array);
Return: all ISO 3166-1 country standards representing by array of Country instances searched by given alpha2 codes, empty array if non found.
$countries = ISO3166::getAllByAlpha2Codes(['RU', 'BY']);
$countries = (new ISO3166Utility())->getAllByAlpha2Codes(['RU', 'BY']);
array(2) {
object(arslanimamutdinov\ISOStandard3166\Country)#2 (4) {
string(7) "Belarus"
string(2) "BY"
string(3) "BLR"
string(3) "112"
object(arslanimamutdinov\ISOStandard3166\Country)#4 (4) {
string(18) "Russian Federation"
string(2) "RU"
string(3) "RUS"
string(3) "643"
* @param string[] $alpha3Codes
* @return Country[]
public static function getAllByAlpha3Codes(array $alpha3Codes): array;
* @param string[] $alpha3Codes
* @return Country[]
public function getAllByAlpha3Codes(array $alpha3Codes): array;
- $alpha3Codes - country alpha3 codes (strings array);
Return: all ISO 3166-1 country standards representing by array of Country instances searched by given alpha3 codes, empty array if non found.
$countries = ISO3166::getAllByAlpha3Codes(['RUS', 'BLR']);
$countries = (new ISO3166Utility())->getAllByAlpha3Codes(['RUS', 'BLR']);
array(2) {
object(arslanimamutdinov\ISOStandard3166\Country)#4 (4) {
string(7) "Belarus"
string(2) "BY"
string(3) "BLR"
string(3) "112"
object(arslanimamutdinov\ISOStandard3166\Country)#5 (4) {
string(18) "Russian Federation"
string(2) "RU"
string(3) "RUS"
string(3) "643"
* @param string[] $numericCodes
* @return Country[]
public static function getAllByNumericCodes(array $numericCodes): array;
* @param string[] $numericCodes
* @return Country[]
public function getAllByNumericCodes(array $numericCodes): array;
- $numericCodes - country numeric codes (strings array);
Return: all ISO 3166-1 country standards representing by array of Country instances searched by given numeric codes, empty array if non found.
$countries = ISO3166::getAllByNumericCodes(['826', '840']);
$countries = (new ISO3166Utility())->getAllByNumericCodes(['826', '840']);
array(2) {
object(arslanimamutdinov\ISOStandard3166\Country)#4 (4) {
string(52) "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
string(2) "GB"
string(3) "GBR"
string(3) "826"
object(arslanimamutdinov\ISOStandard3166\Country)#5 (4) {
string(24) "United States of America"
string(2) "US"
string(3) "USA"
string(3) "840"
* @param string[] $names
* @return Country[]
public static function getAllByNames(array $names): array;
* @param string[] $names
* @return Country[]
public function getAllByNames(array $names): array;
- $names - country names (strings array);
Return: all ISO 3166-1 country standards representing by array of Country instances searched by given names, empty array if non found.
$countries = ISO3166::getAllByNames(['Sudan', 'Panama']);
$countries = (new ISO3166Utility())->getAllByNames(['Sudan', 'Panama']);
array(2) {
object(arslanimamutdinov\ISOStandard3166\Country)#4 (4) {
string(6) "Panama"
string(2) "PA"
string(3) "PAN"
string(3) "591"
object(arslanimamutdinov\ISOStandard3166\Country)#5 (4) {
string(5) "Sudan"
string(2) "SD"
string(3) "SDN"
string(3) "729"
public static function getRawStandardsData(): array;
public function getRawStandardsData(): array;
Return: all ISO 3166-1 country standards representing by raw array.
$countriesRawData = ISO3166::getRawStandardsData();
$countriesRawData = (new ISO3166Utility())->getRawStandardsData();
array(4) {
string(5) "Yemen"
string(2) "YE"
string(3) "YEM"
string(3) "887"
array(4) {
string(6) "Zambia"
string(2) "ZM"
string(3) "ZMB"
string(3) "894"
array(4) {
string(8) "Zimbabwe"
string(2) "ZW"
string(3) "ZWE"
string(3) "716"
public static function getByAlpha2(string $alpha2): ?Country;
public function getByAlpha2(string $alpha2): ?Country;
- $alpha2 - country alpha2 code (string);
Return: ISO 3166-1 country standards representing by instance of Country searched by given alpha2 code, null if non found.
$country = ISO3166::getByAlpha2('RU');
$country = (new ISO3166Utility())->getByAlpha2('RU');
object(arslanimamutdinov\ISOStandard3166\Country)#2 (4) {
string(18) "Russian Federation"
string(2) "RU"
string(3) "RUS"
string(3) "643"
public static function getByAlpha3(string $alpha3): ?Country;
public function getByAlpha3(string $alpha3): ?Country;
- $alpha3 - country alpha3 code (string);
Return: ISO 3166-1 country standards representing by instance of Country searched by given alpha3 code, null if non found.
$country = ISO3166::getByAlpha3('RUS');
$country = (new ISO3166Utility())->getByAlpha3('RUS');
object(arslanimamutdinov\ISOStandard3166\Country)#2 (4) {
string(18) "Russian Federation"
string(2) "RU"
string(3) "RUS"
string(3) "643"
public static function getByNumericCode(string $numericCode): ?Country;
public function getByNumericCode(string $numericCode): ?Country;
- $numericCode - country numeric code (string);
Return: ISO 3166-1 country standards representing by instance of Country searched by given numeric code, null if non found.
$country = ISO3166::getByNumericCode('643');
$country = (new ISO3166Utility())->getByNumericCode('643');
object(arslanimamutdinov\ISOStandard3166\Country)#2 (4) {
string(18) "Russian Federation"
string(2) "RU"
string(3) "RUS"
string(3) "643"
Alpha2 named country functions for getting country standard by single call.
Return: ISO 3166-1 country standards representing by instance of Country.
$country = ISO3166::RU();
$country = ISO3166::US();
$country = (new ISO3166Utility())->RU();
$country = (new ISO3166Utility())->US();
object(arslanimamutdinov\ISOStandard3166\Country)#3 (4) {
string(18) "Russian Federation"
string(2) "RU"
string(3) "RUS"
string(3) "643"
object(arslanimamutdinov\ISOStandard3166\Country)#3 (4) {
string(24) "United States of America"
string(2) "US"
string(3) "USA"
string(3) "840"
Welcome to pull requests. If there is a major changes, first please open an issue for discussion.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Coverage information locates on top of README file.
- ISO 3166-1 by Wikipedia licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported License