Forked from nuxt template Zooper
Create quizzes that are always new to users, thanks to the power of wikidata
- Create a new game with just one md file
- Use an existing responsive quizz template (drag, swap, multichoice question)
- Get inspired by the existing templates and sparql queries..
- Add your own game template using the vuejs logic
- Play with the examples on WiQuizz
- Structure : Nuxt content
- UI : Nuxt UI, Quasar, Tailwind
- Animation / interaction : Vue draggable next, Vue3 Lottie, Morev vue transitions
git clone
..npm install
npm run dev
To create a new Quizz, just add a new md file in the content folder
- copy paste an example file in content/quizz
- fill the file with your own sparql request and settings (game template, topic, title, options..)
- easily create your sparql query on and start from an example
- eg : Renaissance paintings with associated artists