This project results in the creation of a data processing application for KL25z and enables serial communication to it using UART peripheral. The repository also contains unit test code developed using Cmocka unit test framework.
- Using the "make unittests" command will enable the test of unit tests for the functions from Project1 and Project2
- Using the "make PS=-DPROJECT2" command will enable the compile time switch for project2
- Using the "make PLATFORM=KL25Z" will create the target executable to run on KL25Z
- Using the "make build" command will create the target executable to run on HOSTMACHINE
- Running "make flash" can transfer the generated files from host machine to the freedom board
- The following commands can be run from the command line to transfer files from HOST to FRDM board
- gdb
- target remote localhost:7224
- load project2.elf
- Additionally monitor _reset can be run to reset the freedom board from the command line
- The data to be analyzed is transmitted through putty, via serial port, to KL25Z
- The KL25Z wais to recieve data and upon reception goes to the ISR
- The ISR handles the data reception in and stores the data in the circular buffer
- This removes the data from and circular buffer and sends it to the dataprocessing functions
- For sending the data, a transmit interrupt is enabled
- Data is transmitted after the dump_statistics function is called
- This function sends the statistics table back to the serial port via putty
- include: contains the header files required for all the platform
- platfrom: contains the architecture specific required to compile certain targets
- src: contains the c-source files for the project
- unit_tests: contains the unit tests written to test all the c functions