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It's a minimal wrapper around API

Block -
  • get_last_block(limit=10) Get last [limit] blocks (Default Limit: 10)
  • get_block_transactions(limit=10,offset=0,block=None) Get block transactions.
  • get_block_info(block=None) Detail information of given block.
Transaction -
  • get_last_transaction(limit=10) Get last [limit] transactions
  • get_transaction_signature_info(signature=None) Detail information of given transaction signature
Account -
  • get_account_token(account=None) Get token balances of the given account
  • get_account_transaction(account=None,beforeHash=None,limit=10) Get list of transactions of the given account.
  • get_account_stakeAccounts(account=None) Get staking accounts of the given account
  • get_account_splTransfers(account=None,limit=10,offset=0,fromTime=None,toTime=None) Get list of transactions make tokenBalance changes.
  • get_account_solTransfers(account=None,limit=10,offset=0,fromTime=None,toTime=None) Get list of SOL transfers
  • get_account_exportTransactions(account=None,type='all',fromTime=None,toTime=None) Export transactions to CSV. Returns Blob URL
  • get_account_info(account=None) Get overall account information, including program account, NFT metadata information
Token -
  • get_token_holder(tokenaddr=None,limit=10,offset=0) Get token holders
  • get_token_meta(tokenaddr=None) Get metadata of given token
  • get_token_list(sortBy='market_cap',direction='desc',limit=10,offset=0) Get list of tokens.
Market -
  • get_market_token_info(tokenaddr=None) Get market information of the given token
Chain Information -
  • get_chaininfo() Get market information of the given token


PySolscan package is available via Pipy or Github.

pip install pysolscan


PySolscan doesn't require many packages except Python Requests

Package Pipy
Python Requests
