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This repository is your gateway to the exciting world of DevOps. Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to the field, this bootcamp is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to excel in the fast-paced and ever-evolving software development and operations landscape.

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DevOps Bootcamp - by Asad Hanif

Repo Outline

Welcome to the DevOps Bootcamp!

We are thrilled to welcome you to the DevOps Bootcamp! Congratulations on taking this important step towards advancing your skills and knowledge in the exciting field of DevOps. We are excited to have you on board.

During the Bootcamp, you will embark on a transformative learning journey where you'll gain hands-on experience with essential DevOps practices, tools, and methodologies. Our instructor is committed to providing you with a comprehensive and engaging training experience.

Meet the Instructor

🧑‍🏫 We are thrilled to introduce our instructor for the DevOps Bootcamp, Asad Hanif! With a wealth of experiance in the field of DevOps and a passion for teaching, Asad is dedicated to guiding you through an enriching learning journey.

đź“š Asad brings an industry expertise, having worked extensively in the field of DevOps and cloud engineering. With his deep understanding of tools and technologies like Kubernetes, OpenShift, Docker, AWS, and more, he is well-equipped to provide valuable insights and practical guidance.

🧑‍🏫 Connect with Asad on LinkedIn and other social media platforms to gain access to get in touch. Follow the links below to connect with him:

Note: Information in the above image is as per the July 09, 2023. You may be watching it later on.

Aim of Bootcamp

The Bootcamp is a continuation of the efforts of the OSFP:

Initial aim is to train and make 10 thousand Pakistanis as DevOps professionals, who can earn a minimum of $1000 per month.

Open-Source Foundation of Pakistan (OSFP)

Learning Outcomes (LOs)

Following are the learning outcomes of the DevOps Bootcammp:

đź“– LO 1: Understand the basic concepts and principles of DevOps and implication to improve the development and deployment processes.

đź“– LO 2: Demonstrate proficiency in utilizing a range of version control system tools to manage and track changes in software development projects.

đź“– LO 3: Demonstrate proficiency in utilizing container runtime environments to containerized and deploy applications.

đź“– LO 4: Demonstrate proficiency in leveraging container orchestration tools efficiently to manage and orchestrate applications.

đź“– LO 5: Demonstrate proficiency in implementing CI/CD pipelines to automate the deployment process.

đź“– LO 6: Demonstrate proficiency in effectively leveraging Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools to automate and manage infrastructure resources.

đź“– LO 7: Demonstrate proficiency in leveraging configuration management tools to efficiently manage and automate software configurations.

đź“– LO 8: Demonstrate proficiency in utilizing monitoring tools to effectively monitor and analyze performance of applications.

Taking the Bootcamp

Important Details

Here are a few important details to help you prepare for the bootcamp:

  1. Bootcamp Schedule: The bootcamp is scheduled to start on Monday, June 19, 2023, and will run for 7-8 months. Sessions held at 09:00 pm - 10:00 pm on Mon-Fri (5 Days of the week). Please mark your calendar and ensure that you have allocated dedicated time to fully participate in the bootcamp sessions.

  2. Technical Setup Support: If you encounter any technical issues or require assistance with the setup of the required software or tools, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at We are here to help you ensure a smooth technical setup before the bootcamp begins.

  3. Slack Communication Channel: To facilitate seamless communication and collaboration during the bootcamp, we have set up a dedicated Slack workspace. Here's how you can join the Slack channel:

  4. Live Zoom Session: The bootcamp sessions are conducted through Zoom, a popular online meeting platform. Here are the details to join the Zoom meetings:

Self-paced Mode

Target Audience

The target audience may include:

  • Software Developers: Those who want to understand how DevOps principles and practices can improve collaboration and accelerate software development.
  • Operations Engineers: Professionals responsible for managing and maintaining IT infrastructure, who want to learn how DevOps can streamline operations and increase efficiency.
  • System Administrators: Individuals interested in learning how to automate infrastructure provisioning and management using DevOps tools and practices.
  • Quality Assurance/Testers: Those who want to explore how DevOps methodologies, such as continuous testing and integration, can improve software quality.
  • IT Managers: Decision-makers who want to understand the benefits of DevOps and how to implement it within their organizations for improved productivity and delivery.
  • Tech Enthusiasts: Individuals with a passion for technology who want to explore the DevOps field and its impact on software development and operations.


  • Phases to SDLC
  • What is Development?
    • Development Types
    • Role of Developer
  • What are Operations?
    • Role of operations
  • Common problems faced during
    • Development
    • Operations
  • How DevOps solved these problems?
  • Agile Process Model
  • Lifecycle of DevOps
  • 7 C’s of DevOps

See Module 01 Videos

Module 02: Linux

  • Operating System
    • Role of Operating System
    • Types of Operating Systems
  • Virtualization
    • Virtualization Platforms
    • Virtual Machines
    • Setup a Linux Virtual Machine
  • Linux File System
  • Command Line Interface
  • Basic Linux Commands
  • Package Manager
  • File Editors
    • Working with Nano
    • Working with Vi
    • Working with Vim
  • Linux Accounts & Groups
  • Users
  • Permissions
  • File Ownership & Permissions
  • Pipes & Redirects commands
  • Networks commands
  • Types of Shells
  • Introduction to Shell Scripting
    • Basic shell script
    • Decision making in shell script
    • Repetitive structure in shell script
    • Functions in shell script
  • Environment Variables
  • SSH - Secure Shell
  • Secure Copy - SCP
  • VM Monitoring commands

Module 03: Version Control System (VCS)

  • Introduction to VCS
  • Types of CVSs
  • Introduction to Git
  • Installation of Git
  • Setup Git Repository locally
  • Introduction to GitLab and GitHub
  • Setup Git Repository remotely
    • On GitLab
    • On GitHub
  • Connecting local and remote repositories
  • Concept of Branches
  • Creating new branches
  • Deleting branches
  • Switching to different branches
  • Merging branches
  • Merge Requests
  • Rebase
  • Resolving Merge Conflicts
  • Gitignore
  • Git stash
  • Undoing Commits

Module 04: Databases

  • Databases in development process
  • Database Types

Module 05: Containerization

  • What is a Container?
  • Container vs Image
  • Docker vs. Virtual Machine
  • Docker Architecture and components
  • Main Docker Commands
  • Debug Commands
  • Docker Demo - Project Overview
  • Dockerfile - Build your Docker Image
  • Multi-stage Dockerfile
  • Docker Compose - Run multiple Docker containers
  • Deploy docker application on a server
  • Docker Volumes - Persisting Data
  • Docker Network Model

Module 06: Artifact Repository Manager

  • Introduction to Artifact Repository Manager
  • Docker Repository
    • Docker Hub
    • Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
    • Nexus
    • GitLab Registry
  • Pushing Docker images on
    • Docker Hub
    • GitLab Registry
    • ECR
  • Introduction to Nexus
  • Install Nexus on a cloud server
  • Repository Types
  • Publish Artifact to Repository
  • Cleanup Policies and Scheduled Tasks
  • Create Docker Hosted Repository on Nexus
  • Deploy Nexus as Docker Container
  • Pushing Docker images on Nexus

Module 07: Cloud Computing with AWS

  • Introduction to Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Service Models
    • IaaS
    • PaaS
    • SaaS
  • Introduction to Cloud Platforms
  • Introduction to AWS Services
  • Regions & Availability Zones
  • Introduction to EC2 Virtual Cloud Server
  • Deploy Application on VM
  • IAM - Manage Users, Roles and Permissions
  • S3 Buckets
  • VPC - Manage Private Network on AWS
  • Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)
  • Amazon RDS
  • Route53
  • Amazon Serverless

Module 08: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

  • Introduction to CI/CD
  • Introduction to CI/CD Tools
    • GitLab CI
    • Jenkins
    • GitHub Actions
  • Core Concepts of GitLab CI/CD
  • Jobs: Basic Building Blocks of Pipeline
  • Stages: Group jobs
  • needs: Dependency between jobs
  • script: Inline shell commands and executing shell script
  • only: Specify when job should run
  • Workflow Rules: Control Pipeline behavior
  • Trigger Pipeline on Merge Request
  • Predefined CI/CD Variables in GitLab
  • Define Custom Variables
  • GitLab Architecture
  • GitLab Runners for running the jobs
  • GitLab Executors - Different Executor Types
  • Job Execution Flow
  • Docker Executor
  • Specific Runners: Runner for specific project
  • Configure self-managed Runners
  • Install & Register an AWS EC2 Runner
  • Execute jobs on specific Runner (Tags)
  • Add Docker Runner on EC2 Instance
  • Group Runners: Runner for a GitLab Group
  • Build a real-life CI/CD Pipeline for Node.js Application
  • Build Docker Image & Push to Private Registry
  • GitLab Environments
    • Dev environment
    • Stagging environment
    • Productions environment
  • Deploy app to different Environments
    • Dev server
    • Stagging server
    • Productions server
  • Deploy with Docker Compose
  • Optimize CI/CD Pipeline & Configure Multi-Stage Pipeline
  • Configure Dynamic Versioning for Docker Image
  • Configure Caching to speed up Pipeline execution
  • Testing in CI/CD & Configure Security Tests (SAST)
  • Intro to Multi-Stage Deployments (Multi-Stage Demo)
  • Promote to Staging (Multi-Stage Demo)
  • Promote to Production (Multi-Stage Demo)
  • Introduction to Jenkins
  • Install Jenkins
  • Introduction to Jenkins UI
  • Install Build Tools in Jenkins
  • Jenkins Basics Demo - Freestyle Job
  • Docker in Jenkins
  • Freestyle to Pipeline Job
  • Intro to Pipeline Job
  • Jenkinsfile Syntax
  • Create complete Pipeline
  • Intro to Multibranch Pipeline
  • Jenkins Jobs Overview
  • Credentials in Jenkins
  • Jenkins Shared Library
  • Webhooks - Trigger Pipeline Jobs automatically
  • Dynamically Increment Application version in Jenkins
  • Deploy to EC2 server from Jenkins Pipeline

Module 09: Container Orchestration with Kubernetes

  • What is container orchestration?
  • Orchestration Tools
  • Docker Swarm
  • Kubernetes
  • OpenShift
  • Intro to Kubernetes
  • Main Kubernetes Components
  • Kubernetes Architecture
  • Cluster Setup with Minikube
  • Kubectl commands
  • Cluster Setup with KubeAdm
  • YAML Configuration File
  • Deploying Application in Kubernetes Cluster
  • Namespaces - Organizing Components
  • Services - Connecting to Applications inside cluster
  • Ingress - Connecting to Applications outside cluster
  • Volumes - Persisting Application Data
  • ConfigMap & Secrets
  • StatefulSet - Deploying Stateful Applications
  • Managed Kubernetes Services
  • Helm - Package Manager for Kubernetes
  • Helm Charts Demo
  • Developing Custom Helm Chart
  • Deploying Images in Kubernetes from private Docker repository
  • Kubernetes Operators for Managing Complex Applications
  • Helm and Operator Demo
  • Secure the cluster - Authorization with RBAC
  • Microservices in Kubernetes
  • Deploy Microservices Application
  • Production & Security Best Practices
  • Create Helm Chart for Microservices
  • Deploy Microservices with Helmfile

Module 10: CI/CD with Kubernetes

  • CI/CD for Microservices based Application
  • What are Microservices?
  • Monorepo vs. Polyrepo
  • Build Microservices (Monorepo Demo)
  • Deploy Microservices (Monorepo Demo)
  • CI/CD pipeline for Polyrepo
  • Extract common logic (Job Templates)
  • CI Templates - Library for all projects (Job Templates)
  • Deploy Microservices to Kubernetes cluster

Module 11: Managed Container Services

  • Container Service on DigitalOcean
  • Create DOKS cluster
  • Complete CI/CD Pipeline with DOKS and DockerHub
  • Container Services on AWS
  • Create EKS cluster with AWS Management Console
  • Configure Autoscaling in EKS cluster
  • Create Fargate Profile for EKS Cluster
  • Create EKS cluster with eksctl command line tool
  • Deploy to EKS Cluster from Jenkins Pipeline
  • Complete CI/CD Pipeline with EKS and DockerHub
  • Complete CI/CD Pipeline with EKS and ECR

Module 12: Terraform (IaC)

  • Introduction to Infrastructure as a Code (IaC)
  • Introduction to Terraform
  • Install Terraform & Setup Terraform Project
  • Providers in Terraform
  • Resources & Data Sources
  • Change & Destroy Terraform Resources
  • Terraform commands
  • Terraform State
  • Output Values
  • Variables in Terraform
  • Environment Variables in Terraform
  • Create Git Repository for local Terraform Project
  • Automate Provisioning EC2 with Terraform
  • Provisioners in Terraform
  • Modules in Terraform
  • Automate Provisioning EKS cluster with Terraform
  • Complete CI/CD with Terraform
  • Remote State in Terraform

Module 13: Ansible (Configuration Management)

  • Introduction to Configuration Management
  • Introduction to Ansible
  • Install Ansible
  • Setup Managed Server to Configure with Ansible
  • Ansible Inventory and Ansible ad-hoc commands
  • Configure AWS EC2 server with Ansible
  • Managing Host Key Checking and SSH keys
  • Introduction to Playbooks
  • Ansible Modules
  • Collections in Ansible
  • Deploy Nodejs application
  • Ansible Variables - make Playbook customizable
  • Deploy Nexus
  • Ansible Configuration - Default Inventory File
  • Run Docker applications
  • Terraform & Ansible
  • Dynamic Inventory for EC2 Servers
  • Deploying Application in K8s
  • Run Ansible from Jenkins Pipeline

Module 14: Observability and Monitoring

  • Observability vs. Monitoring
  • Pilers of Observability
    • Logs
    • Metrics
    • Traces
  • Prometheus for Metrics Collection
  • Grafana for Visualization
  • Monitoring simple application with Prometheus and Grafana
  • Monitoring Microservices with Prometheus and Grafana
  • Jaeger for distributed tracing
  • Kubecost (optional)
  • Robusta (optional)
  • Pixie (optional)
  • Datadog (optional)

Module 15: Python for Automation

  • Introduction to Python
  • Installation and Local Setup
  • Python IDE vs Simple File Editor
  • First Python Program
  • Strings and Number Data Types
  • Variables
  • Functions
  • Accepting User Input
  • Conditionals (if / else) and Boolean Data Type
  • Error Handling with Try-Except
  • While Loop
  • Lists and For Loops
  • Sets
  • Dictionary Data Type
  • Modules
  • Packages, PyPI and pip
  • Automation with Python
  • OOP: Classes and Objects
  • Project: API Request to GitLab

Module 16: Boto Library

  • Introduction to Boto Library (AWS SDK for Python)
  • Install Boto3 and connect to AWS
  • Getting familiar with Boto
  • Terraform vs Python - understand when to use which tool
  • Health Check: EC2 Status Checks
  • Write a Scheduled Task in Python
  • Configure Server: Add Environment Tags to EC2 Instances
  • EKS cluster information
  • Backup EC2 Volumes: Automate creating Snapshots
  • Automate cleanup of old Snapshots
  • Automate restoring EC2 Volume from the Backup
  • Handling Errors
  • Scheduled Task to Monitor Application Health
  • Automated Email Notification
  • Restart Application and Reboot Server

Recorded Sessions

Following are the recorded sessions of Bootcamp.

Sessions Outline

Day 01

Part A - Bootcamp Overview

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 02

Part A - Development and Operations

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 03

Part A - Application Release Process

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 04

Part A - Roadblocks of the Release Process

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 05

Part A - Principles of DevOps and its Lifecycle

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 06

Part A - 7 Cs of DevOps

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 07

Part A - Operating System

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 08

Part A - Virtualization

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 09

Part A - Virtual Machine Setup on VirtualBox

Part B - Virtual Machine Setup on AWS

Part C - Questions & Answers

Day 10

Part A - Basic Utilities and Commands for Linux

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 11

Part A - Working with Directories in Linux

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 12

Part A - Working with Text Files in Linux (Basic Commands)

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 13

Part A - Working with Text Files in Linux (Advanced Commands)

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 14

Part A - Redirection and Pipes

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 15

Part A - Exploring the Nano Text Editor in Linux

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 16

Part A - Exploring the Vi Text Editor in Linux

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 17

Part A - File Compression and Archiving in Linux

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 18

Part A - Users and Groups Management in Linux

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 19

Part A - User Configuration Files

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 20

Part A - Users Management in Linux

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 21

Part A - Groups Management in Linux

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 22

Part A - Switching Users and Superuser Privileges

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 23

Part A - File Ownership and Permissions in Linux

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 24

Part A - Unraveling SUID, SGID, and Sticky Bit

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 25

Part A - Secure Shell (SSH) and Authentication Methods

Part B - Questions & Answers

Day 26

Part A - Mastering SSH Config File in Linux

Part B - Questions & Answers

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This repository is your gateway to the exciting world of DevOps. Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to the field, this bootcamp is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to excel in the fast-paced and ever-evolving software development and operations landscape.







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