It can report a noncompartmental analysis (NCA) with industrial strength.
The main functions are
- pdfNCA to produce PDF file format NCA.
- rtfNCA to produce rtf file format NCA.
Kyun-Seop Bae
- Gabrielsson J, Weiner D. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis - Concepts and Applications. 5th ed. 2016.
- Shargel L, Yu A. Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics. 7th ed. 2015.
- Rowland M, Tozer TN. Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics - Concepts and Applications. 4th ed. 2011.
- Gibaldi M, Perrier D. Pharmacokinetics. 2nd ed. revised and expanded. 1982.
# Theoph and Indometh data: dose in mg, conc in mg/L, time in h
# Output to PDF file
#pdfNCA(fileName="NCA-Theoph.pdf", Theoph, key="Subject", colTime="Time",
# colConc="conc", dose=320, doseUnit="mg", timeUnit="h", concUnit="mg/L")
#pdfNCA(fileName="NCA-Theoph.pdf", Theoph, key=c("Subject", "Wt"), colTime="Time",
# colConc="conc", dose=320, doseUnit="mg", timeUnit="h", concUnit="mg/L")
#pdfNCA(fileName="NCA-Indometh.pdf", Indometh, key="Subject", colTime="time",
# colConc="conc", adm="Infusion", dur=0.5, dose=25, doseUnit="mg",
# timeUnit="h", concUnit="mg/L")
# Output to RTF file
#rtfNCA(fileName="NCA-Theoph.rtf", Theoph, key="Subject", colTime="Time",
# colConc="conc", dose=320, doseUnit="mg", timeUnit="h", concUnit="mg/L")
#rtfNCA(fileName="NCA-Theoph.rtf", Theoph, key=c("Subject", "Wt"), colTime="Time",
# colConc="conc", dose=320, doseUnit="mg", timeUnit="h", concUnit="mg/L")
#rtfNCA(fileName="NCA-Indometh.rtf", Indometh, key="Subject", colTime="time",
# colConc="conc", adm="Infusion", dur=0.5, dose=25, doseUnit="mg",
# timeUnit="h", concUnit="mg/L")