Hi, I am Alex. As a software developer, I am passionate about my craft and eager to learn and grow. I enjoy being a part of a great team that builds useful software following best practices. I have a Master's degree in Global Software Development from a German university.
Since 2018, my tech stack consists of .NET C# and SQL Server and I specialize in back-end applications.
- 📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn
- 💬 Ask me about: unit testing principles and practices
- 👫 Pronouns: he/him
- 🐶 Fun fact: I have lived and worked in two countries overseas, so I speak two foreign languages
- 🤝 What my colleagues think about me:
Very passionate about the job
Eager to grow and learn, not afraid to ask questions
Can quickly get up to speed with the unfamiliar codebase under mentorship of a senior team member