A list of codes of conduct inside the digital preservation (and related) community.
- Access
- Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations
- Allied Media Conference
- American Library Association
- Archives Association of B.C
- Archives Association of Ontario
- Art Libraries Association of North America
- Association of Moving Image Archivists Conference
- AtoM Camp
- AtoM Forum
- BitCurator User forum/events
- Botwiki and Botmakers
- California Academic and Research Libraries
- Canadian Library Association
- Code4Lib
- Digital Library Federation
- Digital Preservation Coalition
- digipres.club on mastodon
- Documenting the Now
- DuraSpace
- ER&L
- Ethics and Archiving the Web (Rhizome)
- Evergreen Events
- Geek Feminisism Wiki
- Golang
- GovHack Australia
- Grace Hopper Celebration
- Hydra Camps
- Hydra Connect
- iPRES2018
- Information Today conferences
- International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA)
- IS&T Archiving
- Islandora
- Islandora Collaboration Group Hack/Doc
- Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
- Koha events
- Library Publishing Coalition
- Matroska
- Mid-Atlantic Region Archives Conference (MARAC)
- MIT Libraries events
- Nerdnight Wellington NZ
- NetHui NZ
- Netpreserve (IIPC)
- New England Archivists (NEA)
- New Jersey Library Association
- No Time To Wait
- Northwest Archivists
- Ontario Library Association (e.g. Super Conference)
- Open Repositories 2017
- Pasig
- Personal Digital Archiving
- Public Knowledge Project
- PyCon
- Radical Librarians
- Research Data Alliance
- Rust Language
- Samvera
- Society of American Archivists
- Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists
- Software Carpentry
- Special Libraries Association
- Startup Weekend: Library Edition
- Texas Conference on Digital Libraries
- XFR Collective
- American Alliance of Museums
- Archives and Records Association (ARA)
- Archives Society of Alberta
- Association of Canadian Archivists (blank page)
- Australian Society of Archivists (drafted but not published?)
- British Columbia Library Association
- Canadian Museums Association
- Coalition for Networked Information
- Council of State Archivists
- Curate Gear
- iPRES (First Code of Conduct at iPRES2018, no general conference series Code of Conduct yet)
- International Council on Archives
- International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC)
- The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
- Midwest Archives Conference
- Museums Association
- National Digital Stewardship Alliance (drafted a preliminary document)
- Society of California Archivists
- South West Image Bank
- Wau Holland Foundation " Wau Holland Foundation will be gathering together with groups and individuals from our project areas. Please be aware, that we aim to provide a code-of-conduct free zone within our assembly. Enter at own risk."
- A Code of Conduct is Not Enough
- Ada Initiative's anti-harassment work
- Contributor Covenant
- Codes of Conduct 101 + FAQ
- Geek Feminism Wiki conference anti-harassment/policy resources
- Geek Feminism Wiki Additional Conference Links
- GitHub Adding Codes of Conduct
- How to write a great code of conduct
- The complex reality of adopting a meaningful code of conduct
- After a Year of #MeToo Impacting the Hacker Community, We Still Have Far to Go
- Code4Lib Duty Officers
- Code of Conduct Enforcement Warning Signs
- Training for Code of Conduct Incident Response
- When a Code of Conduct becomes harmful
- Anyone free to make pull requests for new links (one per link is ideal)
- Anyone free to make pull requests with re-organisation efforts
- Perma.cc all links and re-submit (10 Perma Allowed Per Colleague Per Month)
To the extent possible under law,
the contributors to this page
have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
Codes of Conduct in Digital Preservation.
This work is published from:
United States.