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Example of a product's documents customization

Asdoria Product Document Plugin

A plugin to create, group and associate documents with products


  • Create type of documents
  • Easily customize which documents to display from the product configuration page
  • Document are automatically displayed on the product's store page and downloaded there

Example of a product's documents customization

Creating a document type and customizing its content in the product edit page. Example of a product's documents customization


  1. run composer require asdoria/sylius-product-document-plugin

  2. Add the bundle in config/bundles.php. You must put it ABOVE SyliusGridBundle

Asdoria\SyliusProductDocumentPlugin\AsdoriaSyliusProductDocumentPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
Sylius\Bundle\GridBundle\SyliusGridBundle::class => ['all' => true],
  1. Import routes in config/routes.yaml
    resource: "@AsdoriaSyliusProductDocumentPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yaml"
  1. Import config in config/packages/_sylius.yaml
    - { resource: "@AsdoriaSyliusProductDocumentPlugin/Resources/config/app/config.yaml"}
  1. In src/Entity/Product/Product.php. Import the following classes, traits and methods.
use Asdoria\SyliusProductDocumentPlugin\Model\Aware\ProductDocumentsAwareInterface;
use Asdoria\SyliusProductDocumentPlugin\Model\ProductDocumentInterface;
use Asdoria\SyliusProductDocumentPlugin\Traits\ProductDocumentsTrait;
use Sylius\Component\Product\Model\ProductTranslationInterface;

class Product extends BaseProduct implements  ProductDocumentsAwareInterface
    use ProductDocumentsTrait;

    public function __construct()
     * @param ProductDocumentInterface $productDocument
    public function addProductDocument(ProductDocumentInterface $productDocument): void
        if (!$this->hasProductDocument($productDocument)) {

     * @param ProductDocumentInterface $productDocument
    public function removeProductDocument(ProductDocumentInterface $productDocument): void
        if ($this->hasProductDocument($productDocument)) {
  1. run php bin/console do:mi:mi to update the database schema`

  2. Gaufrette is no longer used by Sylius in favour of Flysystem. If you want to use Gaufrette in your project, you need to set:

            adapter: gaufrette

    in your config/packages/_sylius.yaml file.


You can see the result for the user here with a cap: here.
If you want to try to create documents, go on the admin authentication page and connect with:

Login: asdoria
Password: asdoria

Then go on "Document Type" in the back office and follow usage lines below.

Note that we have developed several other open source plugins for Sylius, whose demos and documentation are listed on the following page.


  1. In the back office, under Catalog, enter Document Types. Create a type of document using a unique code.
  2. Go to a product's edit page, then click the Documents tab in the sidebar. Here you can add documents type then upload which document you wish to display for each.