Using validator is easy as much as needed. Some Usage rules:
"name": "required|max:100|min:20|equal:Blabla"
"age": "required|digit|between:0-255"
There are three types of token
First one (Separator): ``|``
Second one (Value Input): ``:``
Third one (Value Separator): ``-``
"name": "required|equal:Emirhan",
"surname": "max:10",
"age": "required|digit|between:0-255",
"password": "required|confirmation:password_confirmation",
"password_confirmation": "required",
"today": "required|date",
}, r.Form).Run())
You don't need to initialize bunch of unused structs. There's only simplicity
date rule is just using 'Y-m-D' format currently.
"today": "required|date",
As you can understand, max/min is checking for string's length.
Strings are represented as character-bytes of array in memory like this:
['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'W'...]
and we're counting its length then comparing with your rule input.
- Is array rule ('array')
- Is string rule ('string')
- Is integer and digit rules ('integer'|'digit')
- Is between rule('between:x-y')
- Is confirmed rule ('confirmed:Hello world') // case sensitive
- Is date rule ('date') // uses Y-m-D format
- [] date rule format and localization can be changed by user
- Is file rule ('file')
- [] Is file's max size grater than i decided to ?
- [] Is file's min size lower than i decided to ?
- [] Is field email ?
- Errors messages can be internalization
- [] Agnostic rule checkers
- Any type form fields.
- [] Tests