see demo snap see HushHub Frontend
- Dockerize Application
- Docker Hot reloading for local development
- Multistage build
- Separate credentials for local dev and production (.env)
- Local docker image
- Pull/push from the docker hub
- Log formatting (Configure logging in application)
- Seeding data for the application
- Docker tool to wrap complex docker commands in a simpler format
Setup Production and Dev Environment servers using Ansible
On PR:
- Linter
- Unit Test
- CodeQL
- SonarQube, With results in PR annotations (integrated with SonarCloud)
On Push to feature branch:
- Unit Test
- Build Image
Deploy to dev env from feature branch
- run dev deployment workflow by commit-msg. commit with
message - run workflow by pr-comment. comment on pr -
- run dev deployment workflow by commit-msg. commit with
on CD deploy image to dockerHub
Implement CD from
branch to both the envs (dev, prod) -
Implement a simple rollback job that we use the last successful image to do the deployment
Implement a rollback table with PRs and SHAs
Calculate disaster recovery time of the CI/CD
Notify on failed deployments with details in the email
- application health check monitoring and notification system (more to come)
In case of unwanted situations copy the hash from sha table and run rollback worlfow
Install latest version of docker in your system
Install python3 on your system (should come with your distro BTW)
Setup devtool. Go to 'tools' dir and run -
$ pip3 install .
Now run the tool from your 'app' directory.
$ devtool run --app-name devbackend
devtool --help
-Usage: devtool [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Options: --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh] Install completion for the specified shell. --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh] Show completion for the specified shell, to copy it or customize the installation. --help Show this message and exit. Commands: get-errors get application errors. get-logs get application logs. list-images get list of images. ls get list of things in current directory, use it to see if... run run the application. stop stop the running application.
Do not run in detachable mode if you want to see live logs of the app.
The file should be named as .env
, devs will get the dev env from the lead. no env specific things should reside on the repository.
DB_URL=mongodb://mongodb:27017 # for docker service
# DB_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017
# f"mongodb://{username}:{password}@host:port/"
cd scripts/
bash <version-tag>
If gitignore is not taking changes, reason is Git's cache hasn't been refreshed to reflect the changes in Gitignore.
git rm -r --cached git add . .
if you are a mac OSX user and facing permission issue please change setting on your docker-desktop application -
In Preferences > General there is an option "Use gRPC FUSE for file sharing" which is by default checked. Uncheck that option Apply and restart.
ashraf minhaj