Library Version:
- Python 2.7.12
- Django 1.11.29
- db : sqlite3
Work Flow:
- Every user must register through the Registration Form to login into the system.
- After successful registration, a user can login into the system through the Log In Form.
- If the user is valid, the system redirect the user to the home page of the system.
- By Clicking Task Nav button Github page will be appeared which told user to connect their github account with the bitsDemo System
- After connecting with github account users all public repository will be shown in a table view.
- User can create a Github web hook by selecting any row from the repo table list.
- After user has successfully create a web hook for a repo, user can show PUSH/PULL events for that repo in the Event List Nav Url
- By clicking Log Out Button user will leave from the bitsDemo system
!!!!! Thanks for reading !!!!!!!