Get the source and build a package for spark streaming job
cd /opt/ git clone cd LogEventsProcessingSpark sbt package
To emulate real time log events, we are going to use an application called as generator
cd /opt/ git clone cd generator sbt assembly
Start an instance of zookeeper server, which is required by kafka:
cd ${KAFKA_HOME} bin/ config/
Replace ${KAFKA_HOME} with path where you have installed kafka
Start an instance of kafka broker:
cd ${KAFKA_HOME} bin/ config/
Replace ${KAFKA_HOME} with path where you have installed kafka
Create a kafka topic (with retention period of 60 minutes):
cd ${KAFKA_HOME} bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --create --topic apache \ --partitions 2 --replication-factor 1 \ --config flush.messages=1 --config
more options: here
Replace ${KAFKA_HOME} with path where you have installed kafka. Also, change the replication factor and number of partitions based on how many kafka brokers you have
Start an instance of spark server:
Replace ${SPARK_HOME} with path where you have installed spark
Start an instance of worker locally:
${SPARK_HOME}/sbin/ Worker ${SPARK_URL}
, replace that with your instance of spark server -
Start an instance of cassandra in foreground, if you already have a cassandra instance ignore this step:
${CASSANDRA_HOME}/bin/cassandra -f
Start the generator, which will simulate log events and writes it to kafka directly:
cd /opt/generator bin/generator log --eventsPerSec 1 --outputFormat text --destination kafka \ --kafkaBrokerList "localhost:9092" --flushBatch 1 --kafkaTopicName apache
Finally, start Spark streaming application:
Make sure to edit the parameters in
as required to match your environment
SCALA_HOME="/opt/scala" ./
You could check the spark consumption from kafka to make sure spark is reading events from kafka:
bin/ \
--zkconnect localhost:2181 \
--group sparkFetcher