A collection of open source broadcast libraries and projects by Astronaut Labs.
- @/rfc8331 - Implements IETF RFC 8331: RTP Payload for ST 2010
- @/st2010 - Implements SMPTE ST 2010, encoding SCTE 104 in ST 291 vertical ancillary space
- @/st291 - Implements SMPTE ST 291, video ancillary data packets
- @/sdp - Implements session description protocol (IETF RFC 8866 / 4566 / 3266 / 2327)
- @/scte35 - Implements SCTE 35, digital program insertion cues
- @/scte104 - Implements SCTE 104, API and bitstream syntax for inserting digital program insertion cues
- @/is04 - Implements NMOS IS-04, discovery and registration API for media devices
- @/is05 - Implements NMOS IS-05, device connection management for media senders/receivers
- @/is07 - Implements NMOS IS-07, event and tally system for NMOS IS-04 devices
- @/rtp - Implements RTP/AV (IETF 3550), realtime transport protocol profile for audio/video
- [Coming Soon] @/decklink - Interact with Blackmagic DeckLink devices
- @/wdi - Web Display Interface, a wide area media transport protocol based on WebRTC
- @/rtmp - Adobe's Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP)
- @/mpegts - MPEG transport streams
- @/hls - HTTP Live Streaming
- [Coming Soon] @/ndi - Newtek NDI
- @/flv - Adobe's Flash Video format (FLV/F4V)
- @/webrtc - Node.js bindings for
from Google - @/libav - Node.js bindings for FFmpeg's libav* libraries
- @/libyuv - Accelerated conversions between RGB and YUV
- @/bitstream - Declarative and imperative bitstream processing
- @/jsonpath - JSON Path query implementation
- @/jwt - JSON Web Tokens
- @/priority-queue - Efficient priority queue implementation