Python functions for PhD work.
- compute the polarized intensity and its uncertainty
- compute the polarization angle and its uncertainty
- compute the polarization fraction and its uncertainty
- compute the de-biased polarized intensity
- compute the polarization gradient (with and without cross-terms)
- compute the normalized polarization gradient (with and without cross-terms)
- compute the argument of polarization gradient (with and without cross-terms)
- apply a mask to the argument of polarization gradient
- compute the radial and tangential components of the polarization gradient
- compute the angular version of the polarization gradient
- compute the plane-of-sky magnetic field orientation
- compute an estimate of the polarization angle dispersion function
- compute the de-rotated magnetic field orientation
- create a dictionary of polarization gradient arguments for each pixel
- plot an image with pseudovectors overlaid
- compute the rotation measure structure function (RMSF) and related parameters
- compute the first moment of a one-dimensional Faraday dispersion function
- compute the second moment of a one-dimensional Faraday dispersion function
- compute the first moment map of a three-dimensional Faraday dispersion function
- compute the second moment map of a three-dimensional Faraday dispersion function
- construct the frequency axis of a 3D FITS file
- compute the average across a data cube's third axis
- compute the summation of a list of 2D FITS files
- create a grid of equatorial coordinates for a FITS file
- create a grid of Galactic coordinates for a FITS file
- transform a coordinate grid from equatorial to Galactic coordinates
- transform a coordinate grid from Galactic to equatorial coordinates
- reproject one 2D FITS image to another
- reproject one 3D FITS image to another
- reproject a 2D FITS image from equatorial to Galactic coordinates
- reproject a 3D FITS image from equatorial to Galactic coordinates
- reproject a 2D FITS image from Galactic to equatorial coordinates
- reproject a 3D FITS image from Galactic to equatorial coordinates
- reproject a HEALPix image to a standard FITS projection
- creates a mask using a condition on Galactic latitude
- masks a 2D FITS image in equatorial coordinates based on Galactic latitude
- transform a 3D FITS header to a 2D FITS header
- slice a 3D FITS data cube along its third axis and save each 2D image as a separate FITS image
- transform Right Ascension and Declination coordinates from decimal degrees to the sexagismal system
- transform Right Ascension and Declination coordinates from the sexagismal system to decimal degrees
- precess Right Ascension and Declination coordinates from the sexagismal system in the B1959 equinox to decimal degrees in the J2000 equinox
- match two sets of catalogue positions in equatorial coordinates
- write a set of cooridinates to an annotation file for kvis
- write a set of cooridinates to a region file for ds9
- convert photometric magnitude uncertainty to signal-to-noise ratio
- convert photometric signal-to-noise ratio to magnitude uncertainty
- convert AB magnitudes to the Vega magnitude scale
- compute photometric colour and its uncertainty
- compute J-, H-, and K-band extinctions using the RJCE technique
- compute J-, H-, and K-band intrinsic magnitudes using the RJCE technique
- compute J-, H-, and K-band distance-corrected luminosities using Gaia parallaxes
- compute distance using Gaia parallax
See the Rolling Hough Transform.
- execute the RHT on all FITS files within a given directory
- add contents of a FITS image header to an RHT FITS file
- collect all RHT angles for each spatial pixel in the image plane
- compute the distribution in RHT angle differences between two images
- compute the RHT backprojection allowing one to mask specific angles
- converts Planck Stokes maps from K_CMB to MJy/sr
- converts Planck Stokes maps from uK to MJy/sr
- remove the CMB monopole from the Planck 353 GHz Stokes maps
- add the Galactic HI offset correction to the Planck 353 GHz Stokes I map
- compute magnetic field orientation in IAU convention
- compute LIC texture
- overplot LIC texture on an image
- twilight colormap
- Planck frequency colormap
- Planck parchment colormap
- convert frequency to wavelength
- convert wavelength to frequency
- compute upper limit kinetic temperature from line broadening
- mask a 2D FITS image in signal
- mask a 2D FITS image in signal-to-noise
- compute the 1D and 2D fast Fourier transform (FFT)
- compute the 1D and 2D inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT)
- compute the 2D spatial gradient of an image
- map angles defined on the polar plane [0,2pi) to the half polar plane [0,pi)
- compute the angular difference between two angles defined on the half-polar plane
- convolve a 2D FITS image using FFT convolution
- reads in a ROHSA data file
- mask and interpolate over point sources
- applies a mask to a 2D FITS image and interpolates
- mask an image within the boundary of a circle
- mask an image within the boundary of an ellipse
- mask an image betweeen two lines
- masks basketweaving artefacts of the GALFACTS sensitivity map FFT