๐ Shodan export to SQLite database and generate an HTML report.
The purpose of this tool is to parse Shodan export files and put them into a SQLite database.
Exports bypass the restriction on "vuln" and "tag" tags, which are only available with Small Business, Corporate or Enterprise accounts. These data are included present in Shodan exports.
Once in the database, it's easier to analyze the data and extract a list of machines with CVEs.
Generate a report of found CVEs with HTML template.
Customize the report in templates/
folder using jinja2 and Bulma CSS.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Usage: shodan2db.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
export Generate an HTML report from the data in the database.
parse Parse the Shodan JSON export file and store data in the database.
- Command parse
Usage: shodan2db.py parse [OPTIONS]
Parse the Shodan JSON export file and store data in the database.
-i, --input-file PATH JSON export file from Shodan. [required]
-d, --database TEXT Database name. [required]
-v, --verbose Verbose mode.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
- Command export
Usage: shodan2db.py export [OPTIONS]
Generate an HTML report from the data in the database.
-d, --database PATH Path to the SQLite database file. [required]
-o, --report-file PATH Output path for the HTML report file. [default:
-t, --template-file PATH Template used for the report. [default:
-v, --verbose Verbose mode.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Do a search and click on "Download Results".
Select the number of results to download.
Download your results.
Then import the results into the database using the command :
python .\shodan2db.py parse -i .\example_shodan.json -d .\example_database.db -v
python .\shodan2db.py export -d .\example_database.db -d .\example_report.html -v
Tags and vulns are visible directly in the Summary table.
Example of report :
Customize the report template in templates/report.html
The current one uses Bulma CSS.
Use Shodan2DB as python class
import shodan2db as sh
sh.Shodan2DB.export(verbose=True, exportfile="test.html", database="test.db")