Updates the IP address of your Duck DNS domain(s). Intended to be run as a scheduled task.
- PowerShell 2.0+
.\Update-DuckDNS.ps1 -Domains "foo,bar" -Token my-duck-dns-token
- Open Task Scheduler:
- Win+R (run): taskschd.msc
- Right-click "Task Scheduler Library" and click "Add Basic Task"
- Name it and set a schedule of "daily"
- Action: Start a program
- Program Script: powershell.exe
- Add Arguments: -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File "C:\Path\To\Powershell\Script\Update-DuckDNS.ps1" -Domains "foo,bar" -Token my-duck-dns-token
- Finish
- Go into settings and check the box for "Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed"
- Test:
- Login to DuckDNS's site and change your ip to something new manually
- Right click the task in Task Scheduler and select "Run"
- Verify your IP has been updated on DuckDNS site.