- Clone
- Navigate to directory
- Bundle Install
- Run rake db:migrate
- Run shotgun
- ???
- Profit
- Use Sinatra to build the app
Used Sinatra Gem to create MVC CRUD app
- Use ActiveRecord for storing information in a database
Created Migrations and used ActiveRecord for the DB using Rake
- Include more than one model class (Include at least one has_many relationship on your User model, Include at least one belongs_to relationship on another model)
Using four Models User has_many Decks, Deck has_many Cards, Card has_many Notes. Each belongs to the class above.
- Include user accounts with unique login attribute
User Email is validated as unique identifier.
- Ensure that the belongs_to resource has routes for Creating, Reading, Updating and Destroying (Ensuring that users can't modify content created by others using authentification.)
Each user has CRUD Capabilities that only they can perform CRUD actions on.
- Include user input validations
Used validations at the model level as well as additional validations in controller.
- BONUS - not required - Display validation failures to user with error message (example form URL e.g. /posts/new)
Used Flash to show errors and other banners.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/atencioluke/indecks. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration.
- Luke Atencio
The app is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
- Bootstrap - Making Frontend look easy