The tool to label existing PRs in a GitHub repository according to the rules in actions/labeler format.
actions/labeler is a GitHub Action that defines the YAML configuration format of the rules how to label pull requests according to which files were changed. It works great for new PRs, but there is no way currently to label already existing ones. retrolabeler solves that problem. The tool bases on v4 GraphQL API and has these features:
- Automatic retries on 5xx responses (GitHub backend crashes).
- Automatic sleep upon draining the rate limit.
- Create the labels mentioned in YAML but not present in the repository on the fly (
). - Specify the date since which to label PRs (
). - Dry run mode: execute everything but the actual mutations - label creation and PR labeling (
). - Fast PR labeling in multiple parallel workers (
, 2 by default).
You need to have a Go compiler 1.17+.
GOBIN=$(pwd) go install
Obtain the GitHub token either from your Personal Access Tokens
or by running the provided Python script intended for GitHub application developers cat app_private_key.pem | python3 <installation id>
export GITHUB_TOKEN=...
cat .github/labeler.yml | retrolabeler -c owner/reponame
Note: the tool does not support all the advanced features of minimatch. The underlying glob engine is gobwas/glob.
Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.