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A simple implementation of Forth for Cortex-M3 and M4 devices.


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A simple implementation of Forth for ARM Cortex-M3 and M4 devices.


CortexForth is a direct threaded implementation of the forth language for the ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 family of CPUs. It is not ANSI compliant although it strives to be whenever possible. The source code is under Apache 2.0 License.

Dictionary Structure

Each word in the dictionary is made up of several fields, all of them aligned to a 32 bit boundary. In order of increasing memory address, a given word will have the following fields:


This field is a link to the previous word in the dictionary. This number will be 0 at the head of the dictionary.


This is the name of the Forth word, made up by a byte with the following bit fields:

| bit |  Name |          Description            |
| ----| ----- |-------------------------------- |
| 7   | IMMED |Set if the word is immediate.    |
| 6   | COMPO |Set if the word is compile only  |
| 5   | ASMWR |Set if the word is in CODE       |
| 4:0 | LEN   |Length of the word's name        |

In the case where the length of the string plus the letters do not sum up to a multiple of 4 the memory address is alinged to a 32 bit boundary.


This field holds different values depending on wether the word is a CODE or a COLON one

  • In a CODE word there will be executable code
  • In a COLON word there will be the ENTER instruction

Inner Interpreter

Register Usage

It is easier to understand the workings of the inner interpreter if the content of the relevant registers of the CPU are defined upfront.

  • R0 always contains the top of the parameter stack (TOS)
  • R1 is the instruction pointer (IPP)
  • R2 points to the Parameter Stack (PSP)
  • R3 points to the Return Stack (RSP)
  • R7 contains the address of doList, a piece of code that saves the IP in the returns stack and loads a new value.

Register R4 through R6 are used as working registers during some operations and are not guaranteed to remain the same from one word to another.

The use of the first 8 registers for all the interpreter code should simplify an eventual port to Cortex-M0/M0+ devices.


ENTER is a Forth construct that is used by COLON words to save the IP and load the IP register with a new value. CODE words do not have an ENTER construct and in this case there is actual executable code instead of ENTER. The Forth ENTER instruction is implemented by the the assembly instruction BLX R7. In this case the value of the R8 register has been preloaded with the contents of doList code and will not change. The doList code looks like this

doList:         PUSHH       IPP, RSP      @ Push IP into return stack.
                add         IPP, lr, #1
                ldr         pc, [IPP], #4

The first instruction (PUSHH) is a macro that unrolls into STR IPP, [RSP], 4. It saves the current value of the IP into the return stack. Since we arrive at this part of the code through a BLX instruction the value of the LR register has its LSb set (ARM Thumb bit).

The second instruction, add IPP, lr, #1 is a bit tricky. The header of each word makes sure that the BLX R7 instruction that implements ENTER will be on a word boundary by padding the ASCII name with 0s when needed. The BLX R7 assembler instruction itself is 2 bytes long and is followed by 2 bytes at 0 to reach the next word boundary. When the instruction is executed the content of the lr register will have its bit 0 set (ARM Thumb bit), so it will not be pointing to the byte immediately following the BLX R7 instruction but rather to the one past it. By adding 1 to the lr register at this stage we effectively achieve two goals:

  • Clear the Thumb bit
  • Align the value in lr to a 32 bit boundary

The last goal is important because now the LR register is on a 32 bit boundary where the first token of the word is. While the Cortex-M3 and M4 support unaligned accessed, a 32 bit boundary significantly speeds up execution.

In order for this scheme to work we need to guarantee that, per ARM Cortex-M specification, the value loaded in the PC register has the Thumb bit set. This requirement is taken care in the header of each word, where a 1 is automatically added to the label that carries the address of each word (see the body of the CODE macro for details.)

Strings are also aligned to a word boundary and when needed are automatically padded with enough 0s to reach a 32 bit boundary so that even in the case of Forth words with embedded strings we still maintain alignment of the execution tokens following the string.

The last instruction is the inner interpreter, and loads the value of the program counter (PC) register with the new IP, post-incrementing the IP in the process. This instruction is CortexForth's implementation of Forth's NEXT instruction.

Word Definition

COLON words

The user can add words to the dictionary within the source code. As an example of how a typical COLON word looks like in the source code the following is the source for the dump word. It dumps the content of an area of memory in HEX, with the corresponding ASCII (when printable):

@ dump ( a u -- )
@ Dump u bytes from a, in a formatted manner.
@ : dump
@     base @ >r         \ Save the current base.
@     hex               \ Work in hexadecimal now.
@     16 swap align     \ Round up the length to the next multiple of 16.
@     over + swap       \ Prepare do-loop limits
@     do
@       cr
@       i dup 16 dm+ drop \ Print 16 bytes.
@       space space     \ Separators between HEX and ASCII.
@       16 _type        \ Prints ASCII characters.
@       16
@     +loop
@     r> base ! ;
                COLON       forth_link_address, 0, dump, dump
                .word       base, at, tor, hex
                .word       dolit, 16, swap, align
                .word       over, plus, swap
                .word       xdo
1:              .word       cr
                .word       index, dupp
                .word       dolit, 16, dumpp, drop
                .word       space, space
                .word       dolit, 16, utype
                .word       dolit, 16
                .word       xploop, 1b
                .word       rfrom, base, store
                .word       exit

The COLON macro does all the work of creating the header for the word, including the LFA and the NFA, maintaining 32 bit alignments of each part of the header. Throughout the source code there are words with names that include characters that can confuse the gnu assembler and in this case the COLON macro cannot be used. For these spacial cases we have to build the header manually. An example from the source code follows:

@ ."| ( -- )
@ Run time routine of ." . Output a compiled string.
@ We need to create this header by hand, since '.' is the start of directive
@  commands and that confuses the assembler.
@ : ."|
@     do$           \ Address of compiled string.
@     count         \ Length.
@     type ;        \ Emit the characters.
                make_link   forth_link_address
                .byte       COMPO + 3
                .ascii      ".\"|"
                .align      2, 0
                .equ        dotqp, . + 1
                .word       dostr
                .word       count
                .word       types
                .word       exit
  • The make_link macro creates the LFA. The parameter forth_link_address in this case specifies in which dictionary the word belongs.
  • The .byte assembler directive creates the word length. Notice that in this case there is a lexicon bit added to make this word a COMPILE TIME ONLY word
  • Next we align, if needed, the address before the macro that implement ENTER
  • The .equ assembler directive creates a label that can be used by other words to reference this word for execution. Notice that we add 1 to the value of the program counter to account for the Thumb bit needed by the BLX R7 instruction.
  • Following ENTER we have the Forth words. The last word is, with few exceptions, exit, which eventually resolves to NEXT.

CODE words

CODE words are similar in their making to COLON except that their body is made up of excutable code. As an example the following is the

@ here ( -- a )
@ Return the top of the code dictionary.
@ : here dp @ ;
                CODE        forth_link_address, 0, here, here
                PUSHH       TOS, PSP
                ldr         TOS, 1f
                ldr         TOS, [TOS]
1:              .word       dtop_var

In this case the CODE macro builds a CODE word header. There is no ENTER and executable code immediately follows the header.

COLON Words implemented as CODE

CortexForth defines the body of dozens of simpler words as macros that can then be used to write CODE words in the fashion of COLON ones. The names of these macros always begin with m_.This technique is not always a good idea given that there is a lot of code replication but it can be effective for time sensitive code. Following is a comparison of te same word writen in both ways, as a COLON first followed by the equivalent CODE:

@ do$ ( -- a )
@ Return the address of a compiled string.
@ : do$
@     r>            \ This is the return address to the word following the
@                   \  call to 'dostr' which more likely than not is the
@                   \  address of 'count' within 'dotqp'.
@     r>            \ This is the address to the start of the string that
@                   \  must follow 'dotqp'.
@     dup           \
@     count         \ Calculate the length of the string.
@     +             \ Add that to the string pointer to get the address of the
@                   \  last byte of the string.
@     aligned       \ Align to a cell boundary to find the addres of the next
@                   \  instruction after the string.
@     >r swap >r ;  \ Store back to RSP.
                COLON       forth_link_address, COMPO, do$, dostr
                .word       rfrom, rfrom, dupp, count, plus
                .word       aligned, tor, swap, tor, exit

@ : do$ ( --- a )
@     r>            \ This is the address to the start of the string that
@                   \  must follow 'dotqp'.
@     dup           \
@     count         \ Calculate the length of the string.
@     +             \ Add that to the string pointer to get the address of the
@                   \  last byte of the string.
@     aligned       \ Align to a cell boundary to find the addres of the next
@                   \  instruction after the string.
@     >r ;          \ Store back to RSP.
                CODE        forth_link_address, COMPO, do$, dostr

Notice how the two words are slightly different on account of the fact that the CODE implementation does not call ENTER and thus does not store the IPP on the Return Stack, which in turn requires the pulling of one fewer word from it.

This technique can lead to faster execution times, at the expense of memory utilized, since each macro can unroll into serveral assembly instructions. With Cortex-Mx devices memory is rarely a problem so this technique can occasionally be useful.

The files m_forth.S and m_composites.S contain the macro that implement several Forth words in assembler.

Some fairly complicated CortexForth words are defined as CODE while maintaining their COLON nature. In other words, some COLON definitions have been turned into CODE ones by simply replacing each token with the corresponding assembler macro. See for example (find) or -parse.

This technique is not always possible, being limited to definitions that use simple operations.

BSP files

Required Words

CortexForth has been designed to be easy to port to any Cortex-M3 or Cortex-M4 device. All the device-specific logic is contained in a Board Support Package (BSP) that must implement at least 4 words.

  • hwsetup ( -- ) Performs all hardware initialization. At a minimum initializes the board clocks and the serial port. This function is the first word called during the boot of the Forth interpreter
  • ?rx ( -- c T | F) Reads a character from the serial port. Returns the character (and TRUE) if a character is available or FALSE if no character is available
  • tx! ( c -- ) Send character c to the output device. This is a synchronous call, in that it waits until the USART hardware is ready to send the next character
  • bsp_howdy ( -- ) Called during the boot process to print out a BSP specific greeting before the prompt.

Terminal Baud Rate

The BSP should use the value in TERM_USART_BAUDRATE to set the speed of the serial port. The numerical value is defined in the Makefile file.

Screen Editor

The screen editor is under development. Do not use. The following notes are an overview of what is being worked on.

CortexForth comes with a screen editor. The unique part of this editor is that it uses pages of Flash memory as storage, and thus provides a totally self contained way of extending the language that does not rely on any external storage.

This feature is possible only for those processors that allow the erasure of smaller areas of Flash, typically the size of a screen (1024 bytes). Processors that allow only the erasure of the entire array won't be able to support the screen editor.

The content of the screens are stored in Flash. It is left to the implementer to define a way to go from a screen number to the address in Flash where the text for that particular screen is available. Typically a portion of the available Flash memory will be used to store a predefined number of screens.

The screen editor relies on a number of buffers (areas in RAM where the content of screens is copied for editing). Each of these buffers is associated to one and one only screen. The screen editor is in charge of allocating an available buffer for do display and edit the content of a screen. The implementer will have to reserve RAM for these buffers. Buffers are structured as a 32 bit attribute word which specifies the screen number associated to the particular buffer. Bit 31 of this word is the UPDATE bit, set when the contents of the buffer have changed and thus the data need to be writeen back to Flash.

The BSP must define the values of a number of constants that deal with the number and locations of the screens and buffer supported..

Name of Constant    | Function
--------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------
BUFFER_MEM_START    | This is where the area of RAM allocated to blocks begins
MAX_RAM_BUFFERS     | Number of buffers allocated by this BSP. **A buffer is
                    | made up of an attribute word plus a 1024 edit area (for a
                    | total of 1028 bytes)**
BLOCK_STORAGE_FLASH | This is where the Flash allocated to blocks begins
MAX_FLASH_BLOCKS    | Number of screens supported by this BSP

For the BSP to support the screen editor two words must be added.

  • blk-rd ( dest blk# --- ) Read b/buf bytes from a given block placing the data read in dest.
  • blk-wr ( src blk# --- ) Writes b/buf bytes to a flash block with the data coming from memory starting at address src.

Porting to other architectures.


Significant changes are required to port this code to Cortex-M0 devices. The entire inner interpreter must be rewritten because in order to optimize the code produced the Cortex-M3 implementation relies on addressing modes that are not available on the Cortex-M0 cores.

Specifically, the CortexForth NEXT code is simply:

ldr pc, [IPP], #4

Using the PC as a target address for an LDR operation is not allowed by the Cortex-M0 architecture. Also, the register update is also not allowed.

The same applies to the macro that implement the code that stores or retrieves data to/from the parameter and return stacks, which is:

.macro      PUSHH, what, from_where
str         \what, [\from_where], 4

In this case the register update (post-increment) after the str instruction is not supported by Cortex-M0 and needs to be implemented with addtitional instructions.

In addition to this, all the assembler code that relies on IT instructions has to also be rewritten as IT is not supported by the COrtex-M0.

That said, a port to Cortex-M0 would be extremely useful in that this Forth implmentation is all the more useful on smaller devices with very limited memory areas.


A simple implementation of Forth for Cortex-M3 and M4 devices.








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