This is the final project for CS347. It was a group project with:
Aidan Trimmer @atrim11
Eric Hernandez-Diaz @herna4er
Jonathan Wist @JonathanWist
Alden Geipel @Myradose
The goal of the project was to make a full stack functioning website that had 2 different users, could access a database, add, update, and remove from that database.
Our project is a social media workout tracking site called FitNation.
To view the site go to
To get started, once on the site click on sign up, then you fill in the information that is needed.
Then you are directed to the feed page where you can: see the posted workouts, like a workout, or comment on a workout.
You can also update your personal info from the top right user button.
To look for workout suggestions, go back to the feed page and click suggested workouts on the leftside of the page.
Then you can select from the dropdown menu based on the body area you are looking to work out, and click that button.
After you have a plan for your workout you can go back to the feedpage and post the workout you want to do or post after you have completed it.