When today is the birthday of someone, the bot wishes a happy birthday
Show all birthdays of the server
Show the next birthday of the server
Show the birthday, the age and the number of days before the next birthday of @someone
/birthday-info @someone
Users must be in the voice channel to use theses features
Join a voice channel
When someone joins a voice channel, a custom song is played (the bos must be in the voice channel before)
Leave a voice channel
Create a
file :{ "clientId": "<your bot id>", "guildId": "<your server id>", "token": "<your bot token>", "channelId": "<the id of channel to send the birthday message>", "voiceChannelId": <the id of the voice channel where the bot must connect to> }
Create a
file :[ { "name": "<the name of the member>", "id": "@<the id of the memberwith before>", "day": <the day of the birthdate (int, not string)>, "month": <the month of the birthdate (int, not string)>, "year": <the year of the birthdate (int, not string)>, "intro": <the path to the sound.ogg> } ]
Add as many JSON objects as there are members to wish the birthday
© Augustin Pasquier