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Output-sensitive H-Redundancy Removal

Some background on output-sensitive algorithms

An output-sensitive algorithm is an algorithm whose complexity depends on the size of the output. Thus, for a fixed instance size n, the same algorithm can have different running times. A classical example of a problem solved by output sensitive algorithms is the computation of the convex hull of a finite set of points in R^d.

A canonical output-sensitive algorithm

Clarkson [1] gives an output-sensitive algorithm to find the minima set of a set of elements according to some partial order. This algorithm uses at most 2nA comparisons where A is the cardinality of the minima set.

Pseudo Code

input < , S

  1. Let M be the empty set.

  2. While there are candidate elements left in S: 1. Let x be one of the candidates and decide whether it is dominated by one of the minima elements in M using predicate <. 2. If so, discard x. 3. Otherwise, scan the candidates for a minimum according to <. At this point the candidate set is nonempty and at least one of its elements must be a minimum. We scan the candidate list to find this element, remove it from S and put it in M.

  3. Output M.

Run-time Analysis

For step 2.i, at most n.A comparisons are used since we compare each element of S with each elements of the minima set which is of cardinality at most A during the execution of the algorithm.

For step 2.iii, for each executed loop we obtain a new minimum and increase the size of the constructed minima set by 1, hence there are at most A loops execution, each of which loops over at most n elements. Step 2.iii uses thus at most nA comparisons.

The algorithm can be implemented so that it runs in place. The running time is dominated by the comparison time and thus the complexity of this algorihtm is O(nA).

H-Redundancy Removal

We want to solve the following problem:

Given a set H of n half-spaces in R^d we want to filter out all half-spaces h in H such that the intersection of all half-spaces in H does not change if we remove h from H.

Naive Algorithm

A simple way of solving the above problem is to solve n linear programs. For each h we consider the set of linear constraints defined by the half-spaces in H \ h and solve a linear program in d variables with these constraints and with an objective function whose gradient is the inverse of the direction of half-space h. If the objective value of the optimal solution of this linear program is different from the objective value of the optimal solution of the same linear program with the addition of a new linear constraint defined by half-space h then h is nonredundant. Otherwise, h is redundant.

Let LP(d,n) denote the complexity of solving a linear program in d variables with n constraints, then the complexity of this algorithm is n LP(d,n).

Clarkson's Algorithm

Clarkson [1] gives an algorithm that runs much faster when the number s of nonredundant half-spaces is small relative to n.

We make several assumptions on the input:

  1. The polyhedron defined by H is full-dimensional.
  2. No inequality is a positive multiple of another one.
  3. We are given a vertex z in the interior of the polyhedron defined by H.

These assumptions can be guaranteed using d LP(d,n) processing time. See [2] for details.

Pseudo Code

input H, z

  1. Let M be the empty set.

  2. While there are candidate elements left in H: 1. Let h be one of the candidates and decide whether it is redundant with respect to the set of half-spaces M. 2. If so, discard h. 3. Otherwise, scan the candidates for a nonredundant half-space. At this point the candidate set is nonempty and at least one of its elements must be nonredundant. We scan the candidate list to find this element, remove it from H and put it in M.

  3. Output M.

Note the similarity between this algorithm and the minima finding algorithm we introduced earlier.

Run-time Analysis

For step 2.i, we solve a linear program in d variables with at most s+1 constraints. In the case where h is nonredundant with respect to M we obtain an optimal solution x* lying on the boundary of h. There are n such steps since after each execution of the main loop we either find a nonredundant half-space or discard one.

For step 2.iii, we use the following rayshoot procedure which given a set of hyperplanes H, a vertex z and a direction r finds the first hyperplane from H to meet the ray shot from z in direction r. For our use case, we choose r = x* - z and hence the rayshoot procedure finds a nonredundant half-space. Here we give a simplified version of the algorithm that assumes a candidate solution is already known, which is the case for us. In the description below, h denotes this candidate solution and w >= 0 is the scalar such that z + wr lies on h.

input H, z, r, h, w

  1. For each candidate g in H:
1. Compute *l = eval( g , z ) / dot( g , r )*, where *eval* evaluates the
   linear expression *g = a_0 + a_1 x_1 + ... + a_n x_n* for *x = z* and
   where *dot(.,.)* denotes the dot product.

2. if *l >= 0* and *l < w* let *l* be the new *w* and *g* the new *h*  ;

The complexity of the rayshoot algorithm is O(nd). After each execution of step 2.iii we find a new nonredundant half-space and thus there are at most s such steps.

The total complexity of the algorithm is thus O(n LP(d,s) + snd).

Combinatorial Redundancy Detection

Fukuda et al. [3] show that is possible to solve H-redundancy removal given only the signs of a linear program dictionary (n constraints in n + d dimension where n are slack variables) encoding the set of half-spaces to consider.

They prove that there exists a redundancy certificate for each redundant half-space. Similarly, they prove that there exists a nonredundancy certificate for each nonredundant half-space.

The complexity of this new algorithm is

R(n,d,s) = O(d n s^(d-1) LP(d,s) + d s^d LP(d,n))

The algorithm is simpler in the case of general position

R(n,d,s) = O(n LP(d,s) + s LP(d,n))

which for small s is similar to the complexity of Clarkson's algorithm.

Moreover the algorithm only needs a combinatorial encoding of the set of half-spaces. This property allows the algorithm to generalize to other combinatorial structures.


  1. CLARKSON, Kenneth L. More output-sensitive geometric algorithms. In : Foundations of Computer Science, 1994 Proceedings., 35th Annual Symposium on. IEEE, 1994. p. 695-702.
  2. Lecture: Polyhedral Computation, Spring 2015
  3. FUKUDA, Komei, GÄRTNER, Bernd, et SZEDLÁK, May. Combinatorial Redundancy Detection. arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.1241, 2014.


Output-sensitive H-Redundancy Removal







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