This repository contains functions which I wrote to reuse for some basic tasks related to computer vision or can be used in general .
Functions include:
This function warps an image onto another within corner points using the homography matrix H
frame - image on which another image is to be warped
imgToEmbed - image to be warped on frame
H - Homography matrix
cornerPts - corner points on frame in which warped image will be embed
warpedImg - final image after warping
warpedImg=imwarp( markerImage, imageToEmbed, H, vector1);
where vector1 is of meanpoints given in following format:
vector1= [ meanPoints(1,1) meanPoints(1,2);meanPoints(2,1) meanPoints(2,2); meanPoints(3,1) meanPoints(3,2); meanPoints(4,1) meanPoints(4,2)];
this function computes IOU when given a prediction map and respective ground truth map for an image. Both pred_map and gt_map should be 2D binary maps. IOU is a common performance metric for evaluating results of Semantic Segmentation task.
pred_map: a binary image prediction map
gt_map: a binay image ground truth map
get_other_scores: An optional flag which by default is zero.
Returns Precision and Recall scores if set to 1.
IOU: Intersection over Union score which should be a scalar number between the range [0,1].
This function resizes all images in a given folder to the desired size. Default format for resized images is 'PNG'.
imresizeAll('/home/aisha/input_images/',[224 224],'/home/aisha/output_images','JPG')
This method removes empty structures from .mat file.
INPUT: struct with empty fields to be removed.
OUTPUT: cleaned struct without any empty rows.
%% example:Input={{[],[]},{a,b},{b,c}}
%% output={{a,b},{b,c}}