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@aussig aussig released this 03 Oct 09:28
· 1411 commits to master since this release

New Features:

  • Now count primary and secondary mission INF separately: Primary INF is for the original mission giving faction and secondary INF is for any target faction(s) affected by the mission. An option is included to exclude secondary INF from the Discord report *
  • Discord options are now shown on the main tally windows as well as in the settings.

Bug Fixes:

  • Only count War or Civilwar missions for the originating faction (thanks @RichardCsiszarik for diagnosing and fixing this).


  • Added on-foot scavenger missions and on-foot covert assassination missions to those that count when in War or CivilWar states.
  • Tweaks to window layouts and wording.
  • No longer allow mouse wheel to change field values, to help avoid accidental changes.
  • Since Odyssey update 7, +INF is now reported for missions for factions in Election, War and CivilWar states. We still report this +INF separately from normal +INF, but have changed the wording to ElectionINF / WarINF instead of ElectionMissions and WarMissions.

* Note that the plugin only tracks primary and secondary INF from this version onwards - all INF in older reports will still be categorised as primary INF.