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Setting up the app (docker)

Austin Kregel edited this page Dec 21, 2020 · 2 revisions

(This assumes you already have docker and docker-compose installed...)

Building our Docker containers

Type docker-compose build while in the finance directory, press enter, and wait for the command to finish. (It will take some time... 10+ minutes)

Install dependencies

docker exec -it finance-php composer install
docker run -it -v "`pwd`:/app" -w /app node yarn

Configure environment

cp .env.example .env

Edit .env file to your needs

Create storage link + generate key

docker exec -it finance-php php artisan storage:link
docker exec -it finance-php php artisan key:generate

Run database installation

docker exec -it finance-php  php artisan migrate

Run css/js compilation

docker run -it -v "`pwd`:/app" -w /app node yarn run prod

Starting the finance app

Once it completes run docker-compose up -d, press enter, then go to http://localhost or the IP of the computer this is hosted on. The website should load and display a login page.