Fork of with some new features
Replaces original Tuya firmware on Beca thermostat with ESP8266 wifi module. The firmware is tested with following devices:
- BHT-002-GBLW, BHT-6000 (floor heating)
- BHT-002-GALW (Water/Gas heating)
- BHT-002-GCLW (Water/Gas Boiler)
- BAC-002-ALW (heater, cooling, ventilation)
Also selled by Moes or Qiumi.
- No Cloud dependencies!
- Enables thermostat to communicate via MQTT and/or Mozilla WebThings
- Autodiscovery for Home Assistant via MQTT (fas)
- Autodiscovery for WebThings via mDNS
- Configuration of connection, device parameters and schedules via web interface
- Provides NTP, time zone handling and Daylight-Saving-Calculation (fas) to set the clock of thermostat
- Provides Fallback to Access Point mode if requested using panel-buttons (fas)
- Reading and setting of all parameters via MQTT
- Reading and setting of main parameters via WebThings
- Only BHT-002-GxLW: actualFloorTemperature (external temperature sensor)
- Only BAC-002-ALW: fanSpeed:auto|low|medium|high; systemMode:cooling|heating|ventilation
- Reading and setting of time schedules via MQTT
- Reading and setting of Schedules via Web-GUI (fas)
- Logging to MQTT (fas)
(fas): Only available in -fas version
The Hardware itself has two Microcontrollers:
- The MCU, the Main Controlling Unit.
- It controls the Display, the Relais, has RTC, etc.
- The software on the MCU is not upgraded, so no changes here.
- The ESP8266-based Tuya-Wifi-Module.
- WThermostat replaces the Software on this ESP-Module
- There is a serial connection between MCU and ESP. Via this connection the we can control the MCU
- Only the Wifi-Verisons of thermostats have the ESP-Module.
You need the WiFi Version! (W in product Name). There is also a version without WLAN.
The BHT Version is for heating only. The BAC-Version has modes Cooling, Heating and Ventilation. The HBT-002-GA/GB/GC versions only differs in relais-wiring.
- GA - Water-Heating
- Two Relais for opening and closing valve
- Only one Relais will be closed at the same time
- Closing Relais PIN 1 - PIN 3 (N or L)
- Opening Relais PIN 2 - PIN 3 (N or L)
- Product Spec says Max Power: 3 A
- GB - Electric-Heating
- Connect Heating between PIN 1 and PIN 2
- Product Spec says Max Power: 16 A
- GC - Water/Gas Boiler
- One Relais - potential free
- Relaise on PIN 1 - PIN 2 (dry contacts)
- Product Spec says Max Power: 3 A
You can install the firmware either
- by using tuya-convert - no Hardware Modifications necessary
- by soldering cables to the ESP-Modules using an ESP/Arduino-Programmer (3,3 Volt TTL)
Follow instructions here:
To setup the device model, network options and other parameters, follow instrcution here:
After initial setup, the device configuration is available via http://<device_ip>/
You can Upgrade over the Air from other versions of ThermostatBecaWifi on the Web-GUI. Please check all settings after Upgrade!
If you upgrade from original Klaus-Ahrenberg's Original-Version please note:
- Only WLAN settings are kept
- If you get "Not Enough Space" you can use WThermostat_1.xx-fas-minial.bin as interim-version.
- WLAN settings are kept
- no MQTT, no Beca-control, no Clock in -minimal
- Then Upgrade to normal-version
- Not neccessary when upgrading from fas to fas versions
Main Screen:
Network Screen:
Schedule Screen:
Since version 0.96 this firmware supports Mozilla WebThings directly. With webthings you can control the thermostat via the Gateway - inside and also outside of your home network. No clunky VPN, dynDNS solutions needed to access your home devices. I recommend to run the gateway in parallel to an MQTT server and for example Node-Red. Via MQTT you can control the thermostat completely and logic can be done by Node-Red. WebThings is used for outside control of main parameters.
Add the device to the gateway via '+' icon. After that you have the new nice and shiny icon in the dashboard:
The icon shows the actual temperature and heating state.
There is also a detailed view available:
ThermostatBecaWifi supports optional HASS-Autodiscovery since Version 1.08-fas (currently only for heating devices).
You have to enable it at Thermostate (settings network) and of course it must be enabled in your HASS configuration.yaml file:
broker: <ip of broker>
discovery: true
discovery_prefix: homeassistant
For manual Configuration here is an example for your configuration.yaml file:
- platform: mqtt
name: Room_Thermostat
action_topic: "home/room/stat/things/thermostat/properties"
action_template: "{{ value_json['action'] }}"
temperature_command_topic: "home/room/cmnd/things/thermostat/properties/targetTemperature"
temperature_state_topic: "home/room/stat/things/thermostat/properties"
temperature_state_template: "{{ value_json['targetTemperature'] }}"
current_temperature_topic: "home/room/stat/things/thermostat/properties"
current_temperature_template: "{{ value_json['temperature'] }}"
mode_command_topic: "home/room/cmnd/things/thermostat/properties/mode"
mode_state_topic: "home/room/stat/things/thermostat/properties"
mode_state_template: "{{ value_json['mode'] }}"
- "heat"
- "auto"
- "off"
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 35
temp_step: 0.5
precision: 0.5
The software provides different messages:
- Thermostat State report (JSON)
- Schedules (JSON)
- Device (at start of device to let you know the topics and ip)
- Logs (Plain)
MQTT: State report is provided every 5 minutes, at change of a parameter or at request via message with empty payload to <your_topic>/cmnd/things/thermostat/properties
, reports are sent to <your_topic>/stat/things/thermostat/properties
The state report is sent with MQTT-retain-flag enabled.
WebThings: State report can be requested by: http://<device_ip>/things/thermostat/properties
"state":"off|heating", //only_available, if hardware is modified
"floorTemperature":20, //only_BHT-002-GBLW
"fanMode":"auto|low|medium|high", //only_BAC-002-ALW
"systemMode":"cool|heat|fan_only", //only_BAC-002-ALW
"mode":"off|auto|heat" // BHT-002: combined Mode for better home assistant support.
"mode":"off|autoheat|autocool|autofan|heat|cool|fan_only" // BAC-002-ALW
"action":"off|idle|heating|cooling|fan" // read only current action, idle only available if hardware is modified, cooling/fan only BAC-002
MQTT: Request actual schedules via message with empty payload to <your_topic>/cmnd/things/thermostat/schedules
, answers are reported to to <your_topic>/stat/things/thermostat/schedules
WebThings: State report can be requested by: http://<device_ip>/things/thermostat/schedules
MQTT: At start of device to let you know the topics and ip to devices/thermostat
WebThings: n.a.
If logging is enabled (webgui/mqtt) you will see messages like:
home/<your_topic>/tele/log trace: sending heartBeatCommand
home/<your_topic>/tele/log trace: commandCharsToSerial: 55 aa 00 00 00 00
Send a json with changed parameters to <your_topic>/cmnd/things/thermostat/properties
Send a json with changed schedules to <your_topic>/cmnd/things/thermostat/schedules
Also you can change single values by sending the value to <your_topic>/cmnd/things/thermostat/properties/parameterName
# set device on
mosquitto_pub -h mqtt -t home/test/cmnd/things/thermostat/properties/deviceOn -m "true"
# set device to heating
mosquitto_pub -h mqtt -t home/test/cmnd/things/thermostat/properties/mode -m "heat"
# set target temperature
mosquitto_pub -h mqtt -t home/test/cmnd/things/thermostat/properties/targetTemperature -m "23.5"
# set target temperature (json)
mosquitto_pub -h mqtt -t home/test/cmnd/things/thermostat/properties -m '{"targetTemperature":23.00}'
# set target temperature and mode (json)
mosquitto_pub -h mqtt -t home/test/cmnd/things/thermostat/properties -m '{"targetTemperature":22.00,"mode":heat}'
# set device to auto (target temperature controlled by MCU-Scheduler)
mosquitto_pub -h mqtt -t home/test/cmnd/things/thermostat/properties/mode -m "auto"
# just request properties
mosquitto_pub -h mqtt -t home/test/cmnd/things/thermostat/properties -n
# request properties and show answer directly
mosquitto_rr -h mqtt -t home/test/cmnd/things/thermostat/properties -n -e home/test/stat/things/thermostat/properties
# Change Schedules (here: weekday schedules)
mosquitto_pub -h mqtt -t home/test/cmnd/things/thermostat/schedules -m \
# disable MQTT logging
mosquitto_pub -h mqtt -t home/test/cmnd/things/logging/properties/logLevel -m "silent"
# set to level trace (available: silent|fatal|error|warning|notice|trace|verbose)
mosquitto_pub -h mqtt -t home/test/cmnd/things/logging/properties/logLevel -m "trace"
# show logs
mosquitto_sub -h mqtt -v -t "home/test/tele/log/#"
Flash the original firmware (see installation). Write me a message with your exact model and which parameter was not correct. Maybe your MQTT-server received some unknown messages - this would be also helpful for me. Again: I have tested this only with model BHT-002-GBLW. If you have another device, don't expect that this is working directly.
For build from sources i suggest Visual Studio Code and Platform.IO. All sources needed are inside the folder 'WThermostat', also you need the WAdapter library from Additionally you will need some other libraries: DNSServer, EEPROM (for esp8266), ESP8266HTTPClient, ESP8266mDNS, ESP8266WebServer, ESP8266WiFi, Hash, NTPClient, Time.