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Yet another console logger. Extra simple basic usage.


npm install qb-log


This module provides pure console logging for console applications and/or development.

// import and use sysLog preset.
const qbLog = require('qb-log')('sysLog');

// 20:15:00 INFO      Normal operation.'Normal operation.');

// 20:15:00 WARN      Error incoming.
qbLog.warn('Error incoming.');


qbLog contains 3 default presets:

To use a preset, use the qbLog as a function, passing the preset name string as the only parameter. Methods from this preset will be available globally. Using a preset does not remove previous presets, but merely add its printers to the list.

// require qbLog
const qbLog = require('qb-log');

// add methods from the sysLog preset.

Custom printers

Custom printers can be defined by adding them to the qbLog. They will be available globally.

const qbLog = require('qb-log');

qbLog._add('example', {
  prefix: 'MY_PREFIX',
  formatter: qbLog._chalk.gray,
  showTime: false

//          MY_PREFIX This will be example message
qbLog.example('This will be example message');

Definition of a printer consists of 3 properties. Each of them is optional.

  • prefix='' - string, kind of namespace, that will be printed before the actual message
  • showTime=true- boolean, specifies if the current time should be printed at the beginning of the line
  • formatter=(text)=>text- this function will be passed the prefix string, which can be modified. However the length of the string should not be modified, as this would break the indentation of the messages. qbLog itself uses the chalk module, that colorizes font or background of the formatter.

Custom presets

If neither sysLog nor simple suits You, instead of passing preset name, a dictionary of printer definitions can be passed.

const qbLog = require('qb-log');

  info: {
    prefix: 'INFO',
    formatter: chalk.cyan,
    showTime: true
  debug: {
    prefix: 'DEBUG',
    showTime: false
});'Some info');
qbLog.debug('Some debug');

Using a preset does not remove previous presets, but merely add its printers to the list.

Removing loggers

If You want to use sysLog preset, but You don't want to use emergency or You want to redefine it, you may simply remove it, and add new definition that will suit You.

const qbLog = require('qb-log');
