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Performance graphing

tauboy edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 1 revision

Hi all

If you use pnp4nagios to graph out performance data in nagios you can use this php file for the data returned by cucumber nagios

Define a nagios command that will run the cucumber-nagios feature files ( mine is called call-cucumber)
Create a php file in your pnp root/templates directory and name it the same name as the nagios command (mine is /share/pnp/templates/call-cucmber.php)
Copy this into the php file


$ds_name1 = “Step Breakdown”;

$opt1 = “—vertical-label \”Steps\" —title \“Feature tests for $hostname / $servicedesc\” ";

$def1 = "DEF:var1=$rrdfile:$DS1:AVERAGE " ;
$def1 .= “LINE1:var1#336633:\”Passed steps \" " ;
$def1 .= “GPRINT:var1:LAST:\”%3.4lg %s$UNIT1 LAST \" ";
$def1 .= “GPRINT:var1:MAX:\”%3.4lg %s$UNIT1 MAX \" ";
$def1 .= “GPRINT:var1:AVERAGE:\”%3.4lg %s$UNIT1 AVERAGE\\n\" ";

$def1 .= "DEF:var2=$rrdfile:$DS2:MAX " ;
$def1 .= “LINE1:var2#FF0000:\”Failed steps \" " ;
$def1 .= “GPRINT:var2:LAST:\”%3.4lg %s$UNIT1 LAST \" ";
$def1 .= “GPRINT:var2:MAX:\”%3.4lg %s$UNIT1 MAX \" ";
$def1 .= “GPRINT:var2:AVERAGE:\”%3.4lg %s$UNIT1 AVERAGE\\n\" ";

$def1 .= "DEF:var3=$rrdfile:$DS3:MAX " ;
$def1 .= “LINE1:var3#FFFF00:\”Skipped steps \" " ;
$def1 .= “GPRINT:var3:LAST:\”%3.4lg %s$UNIT1 LAST \" ";
$def1 .= “GPRINT:var3:MAX:\”%3.4lg %s$UNIT1 MAX \" ";
$def1 .= “GPRINT:var3:AVERAGE:\”%3.4lg %s$UNIT1 AVERAGE\\n\" ";

$def1 .= "DEF:var4=$rrdfile:$DS4:MAX " ;
$def1 .= “LINE1:var4#000066:\”Total steps \" " ;
$def1 .= “GPRINT:var4:LAST:\”%3.4lg %s$UNIT1 LAST \" ";
$def1 .= “GPRINT:var4:MAX:\”%3.4lg %s$UNIT1 MAX \" ";
$def1 .= “GPRINT:var4:AVERAGE:\”%3.4lg %s$UNIT1 AVERAGE\\n\" ";


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