Open source indexer for avascriptions
copy config.ini.sample to config.ini and configure it accordingly
build: go build -o ./indexer ./cmd/main.go
run: ./indexer
This program has come with block data grabbing function, you can also use an external data grabbing program, We also provide an open source program for grabbing chain data and storing it in mongodb for your reference:
Currently the indexed data is not persisted, you must rely on a snapshot to start each time you start, if you do not specify a snapshot, the indexer will start indexing from the initial data.
Specify the snapshot file command:
./indexer --snapshot snapshots/snap-xxx.bin
Of course if you can't run from the genesis block, you can download snapshots from us and the following snapshots are updated regularly.
01-28 MD5: 73dfea130fe840b81289ac4169f68678
02-04 MD5: 9e0c2468d0fe44566eafc209bc22f998
The indexer implements simple RPC interfaces, the list of interfaces is as follows
GET /v1/tokens/
GET /v1/token/:tick
GET /v1/token/:tick/holders
GET /v1/address/:addr
GET /v1/address/:addr/:tick