A Flutter OAuth package for performing user authentication against Azure Active Directory OAuth2 v2.0 endpoint. Forked from hitherejoe.FlutterOAuth.
Supported Flows:
For using this library you have to create an azure app at the Azure App registration portal. Use native app as platform type (with callback URL: https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf).
Afterwards you have to initialize the library as follow:
final Config config = new Config(
"openid profile offline_access",
"your redirect url available in azure portal");
final AadOAuth oauth = new AadOAuth(config);
This allows you to pass in an tenant ID, client ID, scope and redirect url.
Then once you have an OAuth instance, you can call login()
and afterwards getAccessToken()
to retrieve an access token:
await oauth.login();
String accessToken = await oauth.getAccessToken();
You can also call getAccessToken()
directly. It will automatically login and retrieve an access token.
Tokens are stored in Keychain for iOS or Keystore for Android. To destroy the tokens you can call logout()
await oauth.logout();
Add the following to your pubspec.yaml dependencies:
aad_oauth: "^0.1.7"
Contributions can be submitted as pull requests and are highly welcomed. Changes will be bundled together into a release. You can find the next release date and past releases in the CHANGELOG file.