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Tiny HTTP Test

tiny-httptest is a lightweight HTTP test framework that makes it easy to validate CORS is working, capture cookies & HTTP response headers (including etags) and reuse them for sequential tests.

Using the factory

import {httptest} from "tiny-httptest";

describe('HTTP Tests', () => {
 it("GET /somefile (Captured the etag)", function () {
  return httptest({url: `http://localhost:${port}/somefile`})

 it("GET /somefile (Reused the ETag)", function () {
  return httptest({url: `http://localhost:${port}/somefile`})

 it("GET /invalid-file", function () {
  return httptest({url: `http://localhost:${port}/invalid-file`})

Using the Class

import {HTTPTest} from "tiny-httptest";
class MyTestRunner extends HTTPTest {}


Tiny HTTP Test has 100% code coverage with its tests. Run npm run test-setup after installing modules.

  Implicit proofs
    √ Starting test server
    √ GET / (captures cookie, CSRF token)
    √ HEAD / (reuses cookie)
    √ POST / (reuses cookie & CSRF token)
    √ POST / (reuses cookie & CSRF token + body)
    √ POST / (reuses cookie & CSRF token + body)
    √ GET / (CORS Pre-flight)
    √ GET / (CORS)
    √ GET /invalid (CORS)
    √ GET / (Basic Auth)
    √ GET (HTTPS) (94ms)
    √ GET /assets/css/style.css
    √ GET /assets/css/style.css (ETag)
    √ Stopping test server

  Error proofs
    √ Starting test server
    √ GET (DNS error)
    √ INVALID / (Invalid HTTP method)
    √ GET /hello (Error thrown)
    √ GET /assets/css/style.css (Invalid 404)
    √ Stopping test server

  20 passing (160ms)

File               | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files          |     100 |    81.13 |     100 |     100 |                                                          
 tiny-httptest.cjs |     100 |    81.13 |     100 |     100 | 16-22,111,125-130,177,193,211-227,247,262,303,318-323,371



HTTP request body, defaults to null but can be String, Object or Array.


HTTP request headers, defaults to {}.


HTTP request method, defaults to GET.


HTTP request timeout as milliseconds, defaults to 30000.


URL & port to request, defaults to http://localhost.



Captures a header to be reused by another instance of TinyHTTPTest.

cookies([state = true])

Enables or disables cookie capture & reuse.

cors([hostname, success = true])

Sets request & response header expectations, defaults to request hostname if optional argument is not supplied.

If testing an error case, you must specify the second parameter as false to not expect CORS headers.


Ends the request, Promise resolves with TinyHTTPTest instance or rejects with Error.

etags([state = true])

Enables or disables ETag capture & reuse.

expectBody([value = /\w+/])

Sets an expectation of the response body, default value is a RegExp which tests if there is a response body.

expectHeader(name, [value = /\w+/])

Sets an expectation of a response header, default value is a RegExp which tests if there is a header value.


Sets an expectation of response header content-type, supports correct and common incorrect header values.

expectStatus([value = 200])

Sets an expectation of response status code, default value is 200.


Sets request & response to JSON, sends arg if not undefined.


Processes the response of the TinyHTTPTest instance.


Reuses a captured header from another instance of TinyHTTPTest.


Decorates arg as request body & sets request headers.

test(arg, value, err)

Validates that arg is equal to or passes value test, throws Error with err as message if invalid.


Copyright (c) 2023 Jason Mulligan Licensed under the BSD-3 license.