Unofficial fetch wrapper for Algorand RPC
Please visit one of the official packages for integrating with Algorand:
This is a fetch wrapper for the Algorand RPC API. It is generated from the openapi schema provided by Algorand. It is intended to be used in the browser and in nodejs.
This demonstrates a way of working with RPC specifications with a clear separation of concerns. Projects like algokit, algosdk and algo-models could benefit from this approach by sharing the same generated types and fetch clients.
This approach is already used in algosdk but only for the models, we purpose also exporting the interface from the operations definition.
- Add tests
- Regenerate library without Class closures
- Allow decoding of
- Handle BigInt conversions
Login to Github's Package Registry
npm login --scope=@awesome-algorand --auth-type=legacy --registry=
Install one of the packages
npm install @awesome-algorand/algod-fetch
npm install @awesome-algorand/indexer-fetch
npm install @awesome-algorand/kmd-fetch
See the Reference Documentation for more information
Clone the project
git clone
Install the dependencies
npm install
Run the release without publishing
./bin/publisher.js --skipNpm
All projects share the same commands with the same intents
Runs vitest ui in development mode
npm run dev
Builds project
npm run build
Runs the tests
npm run test
Creates a coverage report
npm run coverage
Runs the linter
npm run lint