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Releases: aws-samples/amazon-transcribe-live-call-analytics


14 Sep 18:09
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[0.8.6] - 2023-09-14


  • Fix: LCA 0.8.5 Stack updates fail when changing Agent Assist parameters - Issue #96


03 Sep 21:23
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[0.8.5] - 2023-09-03


  • Update QnABot to latest version 5.4.1
  • Added support for Amazon Bedrock (preview) for QnABot agent assist and call transcript summarization


  • Fix Chime SDK VoiceConnector problems when updating stack
  • Fix Demo Asterisk configuration preventing use of softphone
  • Misc improvements to build/publish script


11 Aug 12:46
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[0.8.4] - 2023-08-11


  • Fix issue with deploying new Chime Voice Connector in a new AWS account
  • Fix Contact Lens call summaries


18 Jul 20:11
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[0.8.3] - 2023-07-18


  • Fix regression issue that prevented persistence of custom metadata json in DynamoDB call record
  • Update QnAbot submodule branch/commit to pull in deployment fixes from QnAbot v5.3.5


11 Jul 13:43
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[0.8.2] - 2023-07-11


  • Fix stack update problems related to Chime Voice Connector configuration when updating to v0.8.1 from v0.8.0 with Chime Call Analytics enabled


10 Jul 15:26
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[0.8.1] - 2023-07-10


  • Add compatibility with Start Call Processing feature, when using Chime SDK Call Analytics audio processor.


30 May 19:47
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[0.8.0] - 2023-05-30



  • Update Code Build version
  • Improve throughput by decoupling agent assist inference latency from main call event processor - now runs asynchronously in parallel with transcriot processing.
  • Refactored call event processor code to normalize and merge handling of Contact Lens, Transcribe, Transcribe Call Analytics, and Chime Call Analytics messages.


03 May 21:14
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[0.7.2] - 2023-05-03


  • Hot fix for S3 bucket ACL changes
  • Changed default function memory for Call Event Processor Lambda


11 Mar 20:17
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[0.7.1] - 2023-03-11


  • Transcribe Call Analytics "POST_CALL" categories now displayed in the LCA UI after call ends when using Transcribe 'analytics' mode.
  • New download buttons on call details page to save call summary or call transript to local Excel file.
  • Add configurable sentiment score thresholds for fine grain control over negative and positive sentiment scoring when using Transcribe 'standard' mode.
  • Update Agent Assist QnAbot version to v5.3.0 with optional semantic search support for FAQs.


  • Improved performance and scalability changes (tested to 300 concurrent calls):
    • Refactor call aggregate logic to make call event processor fully stateless - removed dependency on Kinesis tumbling window to enable multiple concurrent inocations per shard.
    • enable AppSync resolver caching to enable fast/efficient call state queries from call event processor.
    • enable Kinesis Enhanced Fan Out to reduce message read latency.
    • increase call event processor Lambda memory to 5120M to reduce start time and enable greater message handling concurrency in each invocation.
    • avoid multiple mutation retries on 'put item condition failure' - where retries will not resolve the condition and merely extend function duration.
    • call event processor now invokes transcript summarization asynchronously, avoiding blocking and choking execution concurrency limits.
    • retries for Start Transcription Stream if exceptions thrown, to allow improved tolearnace for call bursts resukting in temporary TPS limit exceeded errors.
  • Fix issue with START_CALL_PROCESSING event rule ( introduced in 0.7.0 with the multiple LCA stack fix).
  • Fix issue introduced in 0.7.0 preventing invocation of custom transcript processing Lambda Hook function
  • Miscellaneous improvements to test scripts - see README
  • Additional minor fixes - see commit history


12 Feb 23:41
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[0.7.0] - 2023-02-12


  • Experimental generative transcript summarization to provide a short paragraph with a synopsis of each completed call; use the built-in summarization model or experiment with custom language models or APIs of your choice. See Transcript Summarization.
  • Utility Lambda function to retrieve call transcription from DynamoDB. See Fetch Transcription Lambda.
  • Optional translation of live or completed call transcripts into language of choice, using Amazon Translate.
  • Ability to disable display of agent channel transcription in the call transcript pane.
  • Test scripts for simulating phone calls. See Asterisk Test Scripts.
  • LCA client utility to make it easier to test Call Event Processors and LCA UI without having to actually make a phone call. See LCA Client.
  • Download button on Calls page to save call list to local Excel file.
  • Default audio recording used by demo Asterisk server now plays the agent side of the Agent Assist demo script.


  • Fix bug in Call Transcriber Lambda that caused double transcription if Chime Voice Connector can't differentiate between caller and agent streams (caused by SBC not configured to use RFC 7865 metadata).
  • Miscellaneous dependabot updates