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Chime SDK Meetings 1on1 call demo with Next.js / AppSync / CDK


This is a sample project to demonstrate Chime SDK meetings for one-on-one call with Next.js, AWS AppSync, Amazon Cognito and AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK).

This sample includes:

  • 1on1 call with authN/Z leveraging Chime SDK meetings
  • GraphQL endpoint to call Chime SDK APIs and subscribe calling events
  • Secure your backend API with JWT authentication
  • Next.js frontend assets distribution via CloudFront
  • Instant deployment of the entire app by a single command

Architecture Overview


We use AppSync, a managed GraphQL service for backend API, enabling a realtime notification when a user is called, and other serverless services to reduce heavy lifting of managing servers.

How to use

When you open this web app, you need first to sign up a Cognito user. After signing in to the user, a page like the below image will be shown.


The top text box MyID shows your Cognito user ID, which is used like a "phone number" in this case. When you want to make a call to a user, you must specify a target's user ID in the next text field Target ID. When you input the target user ID and click the CALL button, a meeting is created and the target user is notified via AppSync subscription. Note that the receiver must open the page before a call is made to receive a notfication; otherwise the call is discarded.

If the target user clicked the RECEIVE A CALL button, they will also join the meeting and can start a one-on-one call.

You can also specify audio devices via the Chime control panel.


You need the following tools to deploy this sample:

Then run the following commands:

npm ci
npx cdk bootstrap
npx cdk deploy

Initial deployment usually takes about 10 minutes. You can also use npx cdk deploy command to deploy your changes.

After a successful deployment, you will get a CLI output like the below:

 ✅  ChimeSdkDemoStack

✨  Deployment time: 324.9s

ChimeSdkDemoStack.AuthUserPoolClientId8216BF9A = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ChimeSdkDemoStack.AuthUserPoolIdC0605E59 = ap-northeast-1_yyyyyy
ChimeSdkDemoStack.BackendApiBackendApiUrl4A0A7879 =
ChimeSdkDemoStack.FrontendDomainName =
Stack ARN:

Opening the URL in FrontendDomainName output, you can now try the sample app on your browser.

How it works

Here is a sequence diagram for starting a call. You can refer to the official documents for further details.


Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, clean up the resources you created.

You can remove all the AWS resources deployed by this sample running the following command:

npx cdk destroy --force


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.