root: v12.0.0
12.0.0 (2024-11-18)
- composer: remove deprecated and internal interfaces from public
- add a widget level loading indicator for x-y plot (9be5617)
- add alarm data source query (32fe5c7)
- add anomaly query (3c11512)
- add arrow to asset name #2551 (bd12bea)
- add CSV download button (d89b1f8)
- add data quality to kpi and status (7248004)
- add dataquality attribute to data-point (5fb23de)
- add e2e gauge tests to dashboard tests (188f9d2)
- add gauge component in doc site package (17a02f5)
- add step chart to l4e (0983438)
- add threshold settings to KPI (2fa0429)
- add timezone converter util (e5d59c4)
- add timezone docs (8995f92)
- added a label time range for viewport picker in dashboard header #2559 (743cb80)
- added accessible labels to different toolbar container #2510 (ce5af6f)
- added data quality icon and text next to value in table #2664 (91cd12f)
- added support for border theming options #2668 (66e6680)
- added validation for decimal places input and moved in section format data #2599 (1cd97c1)
- added viewport timestamps in xy plot #2470 (46c1d24)
- added visible labels operator and value for threshold controls for accessibility #2512 #2513 (06b5ee5)
- adding docker setup for scene-composer ui tests (3db0c9b)
- adding feature toggle system implementation (6df3ea0)
- adding timezone support to dashboard/widgets (6435b90)
- anomaly-chart: added
enablement option (4c2402c) - async fetchTimeSeriesData (2b776cc)
- async listAssetPropertiesDescription (6632db5)
- automatically selecting previously selected workspace or first workspace from options #2384 (c1424a2)
- changed outline for config panel text style buttons on focus initiated by tab #2547 (e94fee7)
- changed ui experience of chart legend based on legend position #2277 (de1f147)
- chart legend support px rem em % unit type (4e023e6)
- chat legend enhancement #2277 (b1ca8ae)
- composer: createDynamicScene util (0b3b80c)
- composer: save scene level data to scene root entity (6cabfb5)
- composer: show delete confirmation modal for dynamic scene (fdc9ef1)
- composer: support showing flash message (da7281a)
- composer: update convert to attached scene component and load data from it (86c92ce)
- conditionally display latest value in legend table #2277 (d3feb29)
- customize gauge in dashboard config (8af089e)
- dashboard: add colors to trendcursors (a890c7d)
- dashboard: add logging for custom y-axis (582fddf)
- dashboard: add logging for query editor (d115606)
- dashboard: add metrics for query editor usage (e8ac4f9)
- dashboard: add new RE components to dynamic assets tab (c588848)
- dashboard: add on configuration change (e386353)
- dashboard: adding new property panel layout (617c77c)
- dashboard: adding new property panel layout (39a8271)
- dashboard: default viewport setting (0c3f3ef)
- dashboard: make component library keyboard accessible (164b0ce)
- dashboard: migration logic now supports avoiding collisions that lead to overlap (c64e184)
- dashboard: move dashboard migration utility to app-kit (99a9aa8)
- dashboard: support custom toolbar (c5374b5)
- dashboard: use new RE components to update dashboard RE for modeled and unmodeled data (d7db11e)
- display assetname conditionally in legend #2277 (c4c443f)
- display legend unit conditionally #2277 (9f6440e)
- doc-site: adding doc-site (743ca50)
- draco: setup support for draco compressed files (cc0d4e4)
- ds ga (4a07ece)
- ds ga (dbc396b)
- ds ga (5b241d0)
- ds ga (b503fcf)
- dynamic scene: reverse query structure for improved query speed (c91995f)
- DynamicScenes: upgrade the AWS SDK and use RESET_VALUE for clearing property values (3c03272)
- enable dynamic assets on edge mode (5b6a9e8)
- fetchTimeSeriesData (1c65191)
- first click on paginate timeline should move backward from current time duration (5f9aa42)
- fix tabs on config panel present that are unusable #2308 (4d3b6d5)
- gauge widget to dashboard (17cde64)
- guage component data quality and error text (2dca188)
- guage component initail commit (305657a)
- introduce edgeMode in dashboard components (c168fb4)
- introduce edgeMode in source-iotsitewise (3106695)
- kpi and status gated config panel (1f56b4f)
- l4e table (5bd6898)
- l4e timeline (mock data only) (829496c)
- legend resize (792b617)
- legend table is implemeted using tanstack table (c92533a)
- lint accessibility (0db36ef)
- made widget tooltip dismissable by pressing escape key #2511 (87c81b5)
- migrate from awsui to cloudscape (37802b1)
- new design status (gated) (69d6c97)
- new KPI and update tests (328e41a)
- onViewportChange and currentViewport (d63c9e3)
- react-components: add arrow datasource (efb0d6d)
- react-components: add auto resolution and batching (073029f)
- react-components: add axis option to anomaly widget (d0733e1)
- react-components: add data quality to xy-plot (ed18e0d)
- react-components: add hook for get asset property value history (c708b4a)
- react-components: add hook for latest asset property value (ce9ec7c)
- react-components: add intl (c7c30c3)
- react-components: add l4e datasource (748f8c1)
- react-components: add l4e queries (328da8e)
- react-components: add max column to legend (322c20f)
- react-components: add min column to legend (69ba923)
- react-components: add useLatestAlarmPropertyValue hook to fetch alarm prop vals in useAlarms (18aa854)
- react-components: adding a fps display (48cd9ef)
- react-components: calculate min/max and store value in store for chart to consume (41b8551)
- react-components: hide/show properties from legend (e666cf1)
- react-components: implement request functions and hooks to build clients (2ca7e6c)
- react-components: initiali implementation for useTimeSeriesData (50db88f)
- react-components: l4e anomaly tests (fbff596)
- react-components: trendcurors using echarts extension (a7c6bbe)
- react-components: useAlarms hook (7103db6)
- react-components: useDescribeAssets and useDescribeAssetModels queries implemented (bfb07e1)
- react-components: y axis and timestamp options (bfe2520)
- resource explorers (f604b15)
- ResourceExplorer: hide properties table when not needed to be displayed (0fca5e9)
- ResourceExplorer: hide properties table when not needed to be displayed (bcf36b1)
- scatter chart is selected the line style dropdown should be disabled for scatter chart #2427 (d407ba3)
- scene composer: adding data-testid to improve e2e test (1e5ab86)
- scene composer: setting up 3D test harness (df62eef)
- scene-composer: enable accelerated raycasting for 3D Tiles (84d2ce4)
- scene: add asset type filter option for browser callback (f65d4f0)
- scene: alphabetize camera drop down (960f195)
- scene: move add ground plane to settings (3b0c59b)
- scene: textures for backgrounds and planes (0b2104a)
- screen reader and keyboard accessibility for text widget link settings #2363 (f0c0811)
- show/hide aggregation and resolution in KPI (aef1f14)
- sitewise-alarms: add useAlarmModels hook to fetch iot events alarm models in useAlarms (c4c4986)
- support theming using cloudscape mechanism #2667 (c342310)
- tabs on config panel present that are unusable #2308 (9f0b63d)
- Tiles3D: add Tiles3D AssetType and evaluate model type when adding a 3D model to the scene (eec0f50)
- tmdt: support endpoint-url parameter and respect S3 bucket name character limit (b4ea8fb)
- updated background color tokens to support theming #2668 (a21fbe7)
- updated KPI style (gated) (31ea2f3)
- updated the theming support for kpi and tc #2668 (d32a018)
- user selected dashboard refresh-rate (1c1256d)
- widget tool box on mouse hover and selection state (c80d42a)
- widgets: add name style settings for line/table + edit label in config panel (f5e9b3f)
- xy-plot & bar-chart allow only numerical datatypes #1952 (10b057a)
- xy-plot y axis lable changes #2378 (48389c3)
Bug Fixes
- add @babel/traverse ^7.23.7 to package.json overrides (8c32328)
- add default settings to charts (5917c83)
- add doc-site to release-please config (08fb141)
- add doc-site to release-please config (ccf5086)
- add left border to configuration panel (7f684d1)
- add missing loading indication for widget values (d90f9a6)
- add range for table significant digits test (ac53406)
- add request settings to fetchTimeSeriesData (d7cbd9d)
- add signigicant digits to xy plot (70a109e)
- add timeZone prop to DashboardViewWrapper (21f9b15)
- add trailing zeros to decimal point rounding, fix rounding function (9c13177)
- added aria label to dashboard threshold delete button (ff94bb0)
- added aria-label to the config panel text link control for accessibility #2362 (a6f9c22)
- added the selection list reset in unmodeled section after clicking add #2659 (7288bc7)
- added validation for decimal places input in dashboard settings #2723 (ac39b8d)
- added validation for the decimal places input #2567 (57bcb3d)
- anomaly chart docs not loading (8e01a69)
- aws clients marked as peer dependencies (d944df4)
- aws clients marked as peer dependencies (0272167)
- babel vulnerable to arbitrary code execution (8c32328)
- bar chart break due to css property of line chart (512e48c)
- better handling of light and dark mode w thresholds (bd70051)
- broken search results disabled state (38ef2be)
- bucket policy: switch from ACL to bucket policy for access logs (2d17a0f)
- chart gesture icons overlap on mouse hover (b5e5c0d)
- check if href is a valid url before rendering (ab24822)
- clearing the properties table when user navigates using breadcrumbs #2751 (0653565)
- composer: cannot delete scene node of a child and then its parent (a2e140a)
- composer: refactor scene modal rendering (1d797b1)
- composer: remove deprecated and internal interfaces from public (07e82b4)
- composer: trigger onSceneLoaded after dynamic scene is loaded (4c9453a)
- composer: update property string length limit to 2048 (a3cb800)
- core: increase cache and min request interval to prevent making many requests for near now data (403fec9)
- corrected the spelling in refresh rate error in documentation #2777 (03e58e7)
- dark mode support for expandable sections in config panel and text widget text color #2668 (89ba559)
- dashboard settings to set correct columns and rows #2313 (cd952c5)
- dashboard-dynamic-asset: asset name should be shown on refresh in dropdown (d799487)
- dashboard-RE-improvements: add timezone + sig digits to dynamic tab (8a6b3ed)
- dashboard: add apply and cancel buttons to settings modal (81336cf)
- dashboard: add descriptions to all RE tables (f7b4f0c)
- dashboard: add descriptions to all tables in RE (c7aff00)
- dashboard: add timezone support for new RE (2d4b5dd)
- dashboard: adds resolution and aggregation to new proeprty in gauge widget (5f5af30)
- dashboard: assetName displays conditionally in config panel for linechart (85496ab)
- dashboard: bring dashboard view component up to date (cf75507)
- dashboard: color picker has keyboard focus and can be interacted with (1e4547e)
- dashboard: composite model tests run correctly (d2cbaaf)
- dashboard: decimal places fixes (710a6ae)
- dashboard: decrease width of property label in config panel to stop overflow of delete button (ee027e5)
- dashboard: ensure there is a current viewport (dc31ecf)
- dashboard: expand hitbox for widget action buttons (64b77db)
- dashboard: fast follow improvements for new RE (ea8c93c)
- dashboard: fast follow to clean up messy code for table cell render (649f75d)
- dashboard: fix flaky test in dashboard (6fe3285)
- dashboard: fix spacing between widgets without selection box (7cc590d)
- dashboard: fix spacing issues on editable grid (0529abd)
- dashboard: for kpi/status disable add of RE when an property is already added (712c1a7)
- dashboard: for kpi/status disable add of RE when an property is already added (eff3282)
- dashboard: gauge bug fixes (d93a42a)
- dashboard: increase width of property label in config panel to span width of panel (642f7c6)
- dashboard: kpi/status bug to stop adding more than 1 property (f68c5eb)
- dashboard: label matches kpi name (f675d11)
- dashboard: make onSave optional (1e92359)
- dashboard: migration for sitewise component + blackpearl widget types (c91a0e9)
- dashboard: migration migrates custom name for properties (bd7862b)
- dashboard: missing dependency for dashboard wrapper (c6b73db)
- dashboard: modeled datastreams are displayed in msw (a2833a1)
- dashboard: padding for tabs in config panel + remove scroll in threshold panel (d3f969c)
- dashboard: re reflects significant digits + timezone support for unmodeled (195be67)
- dashboard: reenable gestures in edit mode (16bd88f)
- dashboard: remove promise client from public API and internally generate it (b98f5c7)
- dashboard: revert the title change for line chart (88ed63e)
- dashboard: sanitize href input in text widget (f766a3b)
- dashboard: selected assets do not deselect on widget selection (5c717f8)
- dashboard: style fixes to make the dashboard accessible at small screensizes (dde49e6)
- dashboard: style updates to widget title bar (1b224bf)
- dashboard: use more descriptive name for the settings label (2d0b36c)
- datastream not show unit if it's undefined #2660 (7418773)
- default Style tab upon widget selection (5456435)
- disable equals and contains operators in gauge thresholds (6fd0ab4)
- disable options in legend or yaxis section if visible is false #2467 (b4daa17)
- doc-site: canvas not recognised automatically (1e42f58)
- draco: modifying check to ensure globalSettings are ready for evaluation (80c3295)
- draco: updating global settings (9010137)
- dynamicscene: converting empty scene locks ui (cc8efff)
- DynamicScenes: copySceneNodes should take the new sceneId as an argument (37f8251)
- DynamicScenes: fix bug to render empty scenes (2c25827)
- DynamicScenes: revert detect dynamic scenes missing their root entity (8593b33)
- empty state overflow (3e073f7)
- example: fix HDR loader in react example (63afb47)
- example: make sure selection change uses the entity binding component index (200d0db)
- filter component models from query editor (8245b6d)
- fix bugs on l4e widget (17a4896)
- fix data-zoom behavior for base chart (0c66a80)
- fix filtered data on zooms (99e2f90)
- fix for css style issue in doc site #2718 (e50f2ae)
- fixed the bug in saving workspace in localstorage #2566 (7a7f619)
- fixed the issue with no aggregation change #2605 (569854e)
- fixed the properties tab child key error #2809 (370e1f7)
- fixed the timezone issue in unit test #2623 (a8200dc)
- fixed the view mode edge mode actions issue #2650 (4298a6b)
- fixed the workspace required errorin search #2384 (0ff9bc3)
- grab asset composite property correctly (1c57017)
- grouped the style buttons together and associated with style label for screen reader #2360 (da7f0c1)
- hidden and highlighted datastreams persist correctly (5a85bb7)
- imports: move luxon dependency to right package (31235da)
- improve properties panel styling (f3de67e)
- improved zoom and default values for y axis (112e5c5)
- internal pipeline has issues with lfs, reverting (968f950)
- l4e bug fixes (a71673c)
- l4e code clean up (ad19b6c)
- l4e widget quick fixes (286f724)
- loads properties panel if some of the assets do not exist #2808 (c4a98a5)
- make context menu appear on top of chart tooltip (e1622c8)
- make gauge values absolute values in gauge docs (dbb4901)
- make gauge widget default size smaller (937199a)
- migrated tooltip css to styled component for customizing theming options #2668 (515ad24)
- migrated widget tooltip css to styled-components for theming #2668 (2ee5eca)
- min max is sortable and not present on widget add (7578a2e)
- min/max values have correct significant digits (50e183d)
- move data quality widget on gauge to be closer to value (d20b65f)
- msw batchGetAssetPropertyValueHandler response timeInSeconds values (5869a00)
- msw batchGetAssetPropertyValueHistoryHandler timestamp (ccf21a7)
- pass in refresh rate through the query instead of props (b6df585)
- preserve viewMode onSave (731756a)
- prevent creating new chart when iconn is dragged over different chart type (7feff77)
- prevent fetching (85a7b35)
- programatically linked the color-picker id with color label in configPanelText #2361 (ab05475)
- react components: updating import for popper.js (00c1707)
- react-component Chart story book is broken (c273ad5)
- react-components: add error state (e16671f)
- react-components: add snapshot tests (178f0e7)
- react-components: add timezone to anomaly chart (5379bd1)
- react-components: anomaly chart move loading state (581a3c5)
- react-components: anomaly chart timestamp padding (b376bf4)
- react-components: anomaly chart xaxis formatting (740ee2a)
- react-components: anomaly widget error and empty states (2d70b79)
- react-components: center error (12da428)
- react-components: clear ymin and ymax was getting emitted on every loop (8609a48)
- react-components: comment out flaky resource expl tests (ca1039d)
- react-components: confining tootip to the chart area (1bff986)
- react-components: do not use decimal places setting in y axis (f9fbf74)
- react-components: ensure anomaly chart colors are in order (3fd8d87)
- react-components: ensure chart uses initial passed in viewport (0b17318)
- react-components: ensure enabled flag is never undefined for queries (eb95ef4)
- react-components: export anomaly chart (30ae675)
- react-components: filter out non anomalous data (70f0a1c)
- react-components: fix chart flickering and bugginess in live mode (3cc3b41)
- react-components: fix error state display (dead60a)
- react-components: fix get value history request (a701ef4)
- react-components: fix global and chart store persistence (83f1345)
- react-components: fix passed in viewport for anomaly widget (f73fafc)
- react-components: fix support for anomaly datasource outside of time sync (d45cc6b)
- react-components: fix the mouse events (7c07a37)
- react-components: gauge properly shows property name again (ddb65c6)
- react-components: gauge thresholds (8e3bec3)
- react-components: gauge thresholds with negative ranges (2100221)
- react-components: gestures prop works (6141c32)
- react-components: improve axis styling and add labels (490058f)
- react-components: improve gauge thresholds (09b352f)
- react-components: lowered min/max throttle to match TC throttle (e972b1b)
- react-components: make anomaly chart responsive (4b31b8c)
- react-components: minor anomaly widget style changes (19fc67a)
- react-components: performance fixes for chart component (403f2bf)
- react-components: refactor chart to use dataset (b403789)
- react-components: refactor legend table into modules (f5eed70)
- react-components: remove data points after a threshold (cd6a189)
- react-components: remove flaky test in new RE (9e15637)
- react-components: remove padded y axis code (7e3d365)
- react-components: remove secondary selection state when using TCs or gestures (3ba4e6a)
- react-components: skip flaky test in new RE (e7928d3)
- react-components: support nanoseconds for datapoints (34d2dff)
- react-components: thresholds properly add and remove series (bb8e451)
- react-components: timestamp bar correct date (2063935)
- react-components: trendcursor hotkey indicates addition state (c9d34e0)
- react-components: update date-fns dependency (1267b65)
- react-components: updates for x-axis panning performance (07a7624)
- react-components: viewport fixes (b5846ed)
- react-components: zoom icons (4da01df)
- realistic dev experience on storybook (377d64a)
- refresh rate defined in dashboard and on query (43cc5e4)
- relative month test (5c6e262)
- remove double aggregation picker (dea30ce)
- remove duplicate constants and types (45c155b)
- remove fetchMostRecentBeforeStart from status and kpi (f9b3183)
- removed tanstack table related code (c8be85d)
- resource-explorer: only use alias to query if present (ca35aee)
- ResourceExplorer: filter out invalid twinmaker execute query search results (e616be4)
- scene composer: correcting state logic for tag settings (f149ac9)
- scene composer: implemented react-hooks linter & converted useStore to accessStore (d95f684)
- scene hierarchy: cleaning up scene hierarchy ui (b1a11f3)
- scene-composer: 3D model selection broken on first click (7ee722a)
- scene-composer: fix scene hierarchy in viewer mode (c8c70fd)
- scene-composer: fix sub-model selection (0a11b9a)
- scene-composer: reverting zustand upgrade due to Grafana issues related to zustand, react, r3f (cfbca24)
- scene: fix dynamic scene entity binding reload on query (d8a1b89)
- scene: fix possible undefined query state (0511c34)
- scene: fix regression in updateSceneNode for reparenting nodes (016e9f5)
- scene: fix Scene Hierarchy Tree item for node with no components (e341fa5)
- scene: handle bad texture files gracefully and toggle opacity on selection (dca5b10)
- scene: round ground plane opacity to whole percent (760aa8c)
- scene: update dependency for selection change use effect (623b55b)
- scene: validation scene json on deserialize (3f2ad73)
- set npm-publish to node v16 (057eac9)
- sort and pagination colors (4dd6bb9)
- source-iotsitewise batch API options (6e4d430)
- table resize button aria label (1618d50)
- template asset table disables invalid dataTypes (7cacc1c)
- testing-util as devDependency of doc-site (3cc2bb0)
- text widget enhancement - 2429 (0d5a367)
- timeZone: wrap timezone setState in useEffect (6cd74a1)
- tmdt: stream 3D assets from S3 on init (ee0e11b)
- tooltip styled component issue is fixed (5af6e22)
- update data quality UX to match mocks (ed62846)
- update default cellsize in migration to 20 (12db8f9)
- update docs for KPI (84a51f5)
- update react-components public API for status and kpi widgets (5e7bd49)
- update timezone docs based on feedback (17be12d)
- updated the new set of design tokens #2668 (7bdb8b0)
- updated the ux for widget actions #2439 (c50cd03)
- updated the viewport settings for dynamic input #2565 (0e31d25)
- updated the viewport settings for dynamic input #2565 (7589b1d)
- updated theming support for buttons #2668 (1ffead0)
- updates for performance issues (8863b9a)
- use datastream id as legend table row key (b4c11bc)
- V1011333107: vulnerbility in fast-xml-parser dependabot couldn't resolve (73d0e79)
- yAxis label collides with yAxis name #2471 (85ac6ac)
Performance Improvements
- improve raw batching (263282d)
- increase batch entry and result size (cf5e978)
- increase batch size (1fefe81)
- initial Animator implementation (3b30cd2)
- prevent duplication of simultaneous data stream metadata requests (bfbe7b2)