12.0.0 (2024-11-18)
composer: remove deprecated and internal interfaces from public
adding docker setup for scene-composer ui tests (3db0c9b )
composer: createDynamicScene util (0b3b80c )
composer: save scene level data to scene root entity (6cabfb5 )
composer: show delete confirmation modal for dynamic scene (fdc9ef1 )
composer: support showing flash message (da7281a )
composer: update convert to attached scene component and load data from it (86c92ce )
draco: setup support for draco compressed files (cc0d4e4 )
ds ga (4a07ece )
ds ga (dbc396b )
ds ga (5b241d0 )
ds ga (b503fcf )
dynamic scene: reverse query structure for improved query speed (c91995f )
DynamicScenes: upgrade the AWS SDK and use RESET_VALUE for clearing property values (3c03272 )
migrate from awsui to cloudscape (37802b1 )
scene composer: adding data-testid to improve e2e test (1e5ab86 )
scene composer: setting up 3D test harness (df62eef )
scene-composer: enable accelerated raycasting for 3D Tiles (84d2ce4 )
scene: add asset type filter option for browser callback (f65d4f0 )
scene: alphabetize camera drop down (960f195 )
scene: move add ground plane to settings (3b0c59b )
scene: textures for backgrounds and planes (0b2104a )
Tiles3D: add Tiles3D AssetType and evaluate model type when adding a 3D model to the scene (eec0f50 )
Bug Fixes
composer: cannot delete scene node of a child and then its parent (a2e140a )
composer: refactor scene modal rendering (1d797b1 )
composer: remove deprecated and internal interfaces from public (07e82b4 )
composer: trigger onSceneLoaded after dynamic scene is loaded (4c9453a )
composer: update property string length limit to 2048 (a3cb800 )
draco: modifying check to ensure globalSettings are ready for evaluation (80c3295 )
draco: updating global settings (9010137 )
dynamicscene: converting empty scene locks ui (cc8efff )
DynamicScenes: copySceneNodes should take the new sceneId as an argument (37f8251 )
DynamicScenes: fix bug to render empty scenes (2c25827 )
DynamicScenes: revert detect dynamic scenes missing their root entity (8593b33 )
internal pipeline has issues with lfs, reverting (968f950 )
scene composer: correcting state logic for tag settings (f149ac9 )
scene composer: implemented react-hooks linter & converted useStore to accessStore (d95f684 )
scene hierarchy: cleaning up scene hierarchy ui (b1a11f3 )
scene-composer: 3D model selection broken on first click (7ee722a )
scene-composer: fix scene hierarchy in viewer mode (c8c70fd )
scene-composer: fix sub-model selection (0a11b9a )
scene-composer: reverting zustand upgrade due to Grafana issues related to zustand, react, r3f (cfbca24 )
scene: fix dynamic scene entity binding reload on query (d8a1b89 )
scene: fix possible undefined query state (0511c34 )
scene: fix regression in updateSceneNode for reparenting nodes (016e9f5 )
scene: fix Scene Hierarchy Tree item for node with no components (e341fa5 )
scene: handle bad texture files gracefully and toggle opacity on selection (dca5b10 )
scene: round ground plane opacity to whole percent (760aa8c )
scene: update dependency for selection change use effect (623b55b )
scene: validation scene json on deserialize (3f2ad73 )
The following workspace dependencies were updated
@iot-app-kit/core bumped from * to 12.0.0
@iot-app-kit/react-components bumped from * to 12.0.0
@iot-app-kit/source-iottwinmaker bumped from * to 12.0.0
eslint-config-iot-app-kit bumped from * to 12.0.0
You can’t perform that action at this time.