source-iotsitewise: v12.0.0
12.0.0 (2024-11-18)
add a widget level loading indicator for x-y plot (9be5617 )
add alarm data source query (32fe5c7 )
add anomaly query (3c11512 )
add dataquality attribute to data-point (5fb23de )
async fetchTimeSeriesData (2b776cc )
dashboard: use new RE components to update dashboard RE for modeled and unmodeled data (d7db11e )
display assetname conditionally in legend #2277 (c4c443f )
fetchTimeSeriesData (1c65191 )
introduce edgeMode in dashboard components (c168fb4 )
introduce edgeMode in source-iotsitewise (3106695 )
Bug Fixes
add request settings to fetchTimeSeriesData (d7cbd9d )
aws clients marked as peer dependencies (d944df4 )
aws clients marked as peer dependencies (0272167 )
grab asset composite property correctly (1c57017 )
pass in refresh rate through the query instead of props (b6df585 )
prevent fetching (85a7b35 )
refresh rate defined in dashboard and on query (43cc5e4 )
source-iotsitewise batch API options (6e4d430 )
Performance Improvements
improve raw batching (263282d )
increase batch entry and result size (cf5e978 )
increase batch size (1fefe81 )
prevent duplication of simultaneous data stream metadata requests (bfbe7b2 )
"perf: increase batch size" (636a539 )
The following workspace dependencies were updated
@iot-app-kit/core bumped from * to 12.0.0
@iot-app-kit/core-util bumped from * to 12.0.0
@iot-app-kit/jest-config bumped from * to 12.0.0
@iot-app-kit/testing-util bumped from * to 12.0.0
@iot-app-kit/ts-config bumped from * to 12.0.0
eslint-config-iot-app-kit bumped from * to 12.0.0
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