HappyWhale model implementation - Phase B
The purpose of our model is to accurately identify a dolphin or whale individual in a given image. Our model is implemented in Python (version 3.8.16) programming language, under the Pytorch framework (version 1.13.0+cu116) and GoogleColab is used as the platform to run our code.
Open Spyder (Python 3.9) 5.1.5 IDE
Inside Spider's terminal run the following line:
pip install -r yolov5/requirements.txt
Open HappyWhaleApp.py in Spyder (Python 3.9) 5.1.5 IDE
Click run button inside IDE to open the HappyWhaleApp application
- Click “Upload” to choose a whale or dolphin image:
- Click “Detect” to find out the whale or dolphin individual ID:
- Result:
- Unzip project, you should have the following files/directories:
- HappyWhale.ipynb
- YOLOv5
- dataset
- dataset_images.csv
- Inside your google drive, create a project directory with the following path: /content/gdrive/MyDrive/Final_Project/Phase_B.
If you wish to create a different path for the project, go to the HappyWhale.ipynb and change the following line inside the Config() class:
Make sure to change the project’s directory inside data.yaml (inside YOLOv5/data.yaml) to your personal directory path:
- Create the following sub-folders inside the project directory in the following hierarchy:
Under the project directory, create two sub-directories: FinalCode, YOLOv5. Under FinalCode, create five sub-directories: dataset, labeled_data, test, validation, train, yolov5_results.
Insert given files and directories under directories in google drive: After creating directories and subdirectories (in previous step), insert the following files inside the directories you just made:
Inside /content/gdrive/MyDrive/Final_Project/Phase_B/FinalCode/dataset insert images from given dataset directory. After this step, dataset directory in your google drive should look like this:
Inside /content/gdrive/MyDrive/Final_Project/Phase_B/YOLOv5 insert files from the given YOLOv5 directory. After this step, YOLOv5 directory in your google drive should look like this:
To train and test the HappyWhale model, open HappyWhale.ipynb in GoogleColab, and choose “run-all” in the Runtime tab.
In order to change the model’s hyperparameters, go to the Config() class:
In order to change YOLOv5 hyperparameters, change the following values:
In order to change ResNet50 hyperparameters, change the following values:
Note: After changing values inside Config(), be sure to run the class’ cell to update the model.
Results of the HappyWhale model will be saved under labeled_data directory (/content/gdrive/MyDrive/Final_Project/Phase_B/FinalCode/labeled_data).
Each prediction of the HappyWhale model is saved under labeled_data in the following manner:
labeled_data/predicted_whale_id/{all images that the model predicted to belong to this individual whale}.