- This repo is a containerised application which allows you to connect to a mongodb via a spring boot application
- You can hit the mongodb with a specific aggregation query and get response
- Also, having additional capability to generate load and put the load
- This captures your metrics around the DB call and published on dashboard in grafana.
This is a dockerized application .
All you need to do is get the mongodb url and update in the docker-compose file env variable.
Note:- When adding the mongodb url make sure to add database name in the connection string in case it's not there.
Also, you need to identify the aggregation query expression and update in the application params
I have already put the example of toLower aggregation operator in docker-compose file. As ,a requirement in docker-compose every dollar-sign needs to be escaped using a $ sign
You need to have the data in place for your collection so, put the required params in docker-compose for collectionName, opName, resultField, expression.
In case you wish to generate the data have added a data-gen module. This is a UI based document generator and you can define custom document.
- This runs as a python application based on streamlit on port 8501.
- It has support for uploading data as well.
- If you have a predefined Json data from mongoexport utility you can use section Upload Data
- Now , you can also specify the index template as a json. It takes in fields as
{"field" : <name of field to index on> ,"type": <ascending or descending> and "unique": <true or false>}
This is a structure of json you can write inside the json editor and click on generate document. You can find the full list of the allowed fields at value_generator.py
"name": "t_name",
"email: "t_email",
// generating array of emails
"listEmails: "t_array:10:t_email",
"phone": "t_phone",
.. etc
- name
- address
- date
- int
- double
- bool
- latitude
- longitude
- unix_epoch
- array
- name
- phone
- city
- country
- pincode
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
* Once, started you can put load using locust . You need to go to localhost:8090 and provide the params for the load.
* Note:- For putting load on localhost you should use url : http://host.docker.internal:8080
## Metrics
* You can view metrics in grafa directly on localhost:3000
* This is your metrics around the round trip time for the application to make a call to the mongo and get the response.
* If you want e2e client side metrics you can use locust charts