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The entire config file can be viewed from here in HTML format.


  1. Clone into .emacs.d: $ git clone ~/.emacs.d
  2. Install nerd-icons fonts: M-x nerd-icons-install-fonts
  3. Install ligatures font (Fira Code Regular Symbol) manually or with M-x fira-code-mode-install-fonts
  4. Install emoji font (Noto Emoji) for Linux
  5. Install language servers manually or with M-x lsp-install-server

Syntax checking/linting

Most IDE-like features are provided by the LSP package. For it to work properly, you must install the appropriate language servers according to your use-case.


SPC T s to cycle through the available themes.


Create a file in the .emacs.d directory for your custom user settings (in “emacs-lisp” org-mode code blocks). Example:

* Custom settings

  Redefine global settings.

  #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    (setq globals--theme 'doom-ayu-dark
          globals--font "Iosevka 12"
          globals--banner-path "/etc/banners/blackhole.png")

You may also edit the file directly, but your custom settings might be wiped out in case of an update.

Keybindings (SPC h K)

Keybindings defined by general.el

SPC TABmode-line-other-buffer
SPC .xref-find-definitions
SPC ,xref-pop-marker-stack
SPC 'eshell
SPC q qevil-quit
SPC a uundo-tree-visualize
SPC a Ustraight-pull-all
SPC a ccfw:open-org-calendar
SPC b bcounsel-switch-buffer
SPC b dkill-this-buffer
SPC b pprevious-buffer
SPC b nnext-buffer
SPC b Nevil-buffer-new
SPC b eerase-buffer
SPC B Bbookmark-jump
SPC B sbookmark-set
SPC ccompile
SPC f ffind-file
SPC f ssave-buffer
SPC f Sevil-write-all
SPC f Rrename-file
SPC f branger-show-bookmarks
SPC f Popen-config-file
SPC t ndisplay-line-numbers-mode
SPC t Lvisual-line-mode
SPC t ulsp-ui-mode
SPC t ihighlight-indent-guides-mode
SPC w mdelete-other-windows
SPC w fdelete-other-windows
SPC w jevil-window-down
SPC w kevil-window-up
SPC w levil-window-right
SPC w hevil-window-left
SPC w ssplit-and-follow-horizontally
SPC w vsplit-and-follow-vertically
SPC w devil-window-delete
SPC w cevil-window-delete
SPC w =balance-windows
SPC h kdescribe-key
SPC h vdescribe-variable
SPC h fdescribe-function
SPC h Kgeneral-describe-keybindings
SPC gnil
SPC g smagit-status
SPC g bmagit-blame
SPC a rranger
SPC a ddeer
SPC t ttreemacs
SPC p pcounsel-projectile-switch-project
SPC p fcounsel-projectile-find-file
SPC p dcounsel-projectile-find-dir
SPC p gcounsel-projectile-git-grep
SPC p Rprojectile-replace
SPC p sprojectile-save-project-buffers
SPC e nflycheck-next-error
SPC e pflycheck-previous-error
SPC l Flsp-format-buffer
SPC l Rlsp-rename
SPC w Hwindmove-swap-states-left
SPC w Lwindmove-swap-states-right
SPC w Kwindmove-swap-states-up
SPC w Jwindmove-swap-states-down
SPC sswiper
SPC ;avy-goto-word-1
SPC :avy-goto-char
SPC SPCcounsel-M-x
SPC f rcounsel-recentf
SPC T scounsel-load-theme
SPC t ffocus-mode
SPC F pfocus-pin
SPC F ufocus-unpin
SPC F cfocus-change-thing
SPC y tyas-describe-tables
SPC l ilsp-ui-peek-find-implementation
SPC l rlsp-ui-peek-find-references
SPC l dlsp-ui-peek-find-definitions
SPC l llsp-ui-flycheck-list
SPC l alsp-ui-sideline-apply-code-actions