The entire config file can be viewed from here in HTML format.
- Clone into .emacs.d:
$ git clone ~/.emacs.d
- Install nerd-icons fonts:
M-x nerd-icons-install-fonts
- Install ligatures font (Fira Code Regular Symbol) manually or with
M-x fira-code-mode-install-fonts
- Install emoji font (Noto Emoji) for Linux
- Install language servers manually or with
M-x lsp-install-server
Most IDE-like features are provided by the LSP package. For it to work properly, you must install the appropriate language servers according to your use-case.
to cycle through the available themes.
Create a
file in the .emacs.d
directory for your custom user settings (in “emacs-lisp” org-mode code blocks). Example:
* Custom settings
Redefine global settings.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq globals--theme 'doom-ayu-dark
globals--font "Iosevka 12"
globals--banner-path "/etc/banners/blackhole.png")
You may also edit the
file directly, but your custom settings might be wiped out in case of an update.
Keybindings defined by general.el
key | command |
SPC TAB | mode-line-other-buffer |
SPC . | xref-find-definitions |
SPC , | xref-pop-marker-stack |
SPC ' | eshell |
SPC q q | evil-quit |
SPC a u | undo-tree-visualize |
SPC a U | straight-pull-all |
SPC a c | cfw:open-org-calendar |
SPC b b | counsel-switch-buffer |
SPC b d | kill-this-buffer |
SPC b p | previous-buffer |
SPC b n | next-buffer |
SPC b N | evil-buffer-new |
SPC b e | erase-buffer |
SPC B B | bookmark-jump |
SPC B s | bookmark-set |
SPC c | compile |
SPC f f | find-file |
SPC f s | save-buffer |
SPC f S | evil-write-all |
SPC f R | rename-file |
SPC f b | ranger-show-bookmarks |
SPC f P | open-config-file |
SPC t n | display-line-numbers-mode |
SPC t L | visual-line-mode |
SPC t u | lsp-ui-mode |
SPC t i | highlight-indent-guides-mode |
SPC w m | delete-other-windows |
SPC w f | delete-other-windows |
SPC w j | evil-window-down |
SPC w k | evil-window-up |
SPC w l | evil-window-right |
SPC w h | evil-window-left |
SPC w s | split-and-follow-horizontally |
SPC w v | split-and-follow-vertically |
SPC w d | evil-window-delete |
SPC w c | evil-window-delete |
SPC w = | balance-windows |
SPC h k | describe-key |
SPC h v | describe-variable |
SPC h f | describe-function |
SPC h K | general-describe-keybindings |
SPC g | nil |
SPC g s | magit-status |
SPC g b | magit-blame |
SPC a r | ranger |
SPC a d | deer |
SPC t t | treemacs |
SPC p p | counsel-projectile-switch-project |
SPC p f | counsel-projectile-find-file |
SPC p d | counsel-projectile-find-dir |
SPC p g | counsel-projectile-git-grep |
SPC p R | projectile-replace |
SPC p s | projectile-save-project-buffers |
SPC e n | flycheck-next-error |
SPC e p | flycheck-previous-error |
SPC l F | lsp-format-buffer |
SPC l R | lsp-rename |
SPC w H | windmove-swap-states-left |
SPC w L | windmove-swap-states-right |
SPC w K | windmove-swap-states-up |
SPC w J | windmove-swap-states-down |
SPC s | swiper |
SPC ; | avy-goto-word-1 |
SPC : | avy-goto-char |
SPC SPC | counsel-M-x |
SPC f r | counsel-recentf |
SPC T s | counsel-load-theme |
SPC t f | focus-mode |
SPC F p | focus-pin |
SPC F u | focus-unpin |
SPC F c | focus-change-thing |
SPC y t | yas-describe-tables |
SPC l i | lsp-ui-peek-find-implementation |
SPC l r | lsp-ui-peek-find-references |
SPC l d | lsp-ui-peek-find-definitions |
SPC l l | lsp-ui-flycheck-list |
SPC l a | lsp-ui-sideline-apply-code-actions |