🍩 Key Features • How To Use • Installation • Acknowledgements 🍺
- 16 sources, currently all keyless (no subscriptions required)
- Asyncronous brute force with lots of pep, 2,000+ requests/s (depending on nameservers and network performance)
- Mutation brute forcing, i.e. permutations of discovered domains then used in a brute force
- Linux & Windows supported
AlienVault, Anubis, Ask, Bing, Certificate Search, Common Crawl, Digitorus, DNSDumpster, DuckDuckGo, Gist, Google, Hacker Target, RapidDNS, VirusTotal, WayBack Machine, Yahoo
usage: snrublist3r.py [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-df DOMAINS_FILE] [-s SOURCES]
[--fast] [--proxy PROXY] [--disable-scraping] [-b]
[--tasks TASKS] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
[--dns-retries DNS_RETRIES] [-m]
[-pf PERMUTATION_FILE] [--autopilot] [--max-alts MAX_ALTS]
[--san] [--loop] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-v] [--debug]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
root domain
-df DOMAINS_FILE, --domains-file DOMAINS_FILE
input file of line-separated root domains
-s SOURCES, --sources SOURCES
comma-separated list of sources, options are alienvault,
anubis, ask, bing, certificatesearch, commoncrawl,
digitorus, dnsdumpster, duckduckgo, gist, google,
hackertarget, rapiddns, virustotal, waybackmachine,
yahoo (default is all)
--fast run only fast scraping modules (excludes Common Crawl,
DuckDuckGo, Gist)
--proxy PROXY proxy used for source scraper, e.g.
--disable-scraping disable scraping of any sources (use with brute force
-b enable raw brute force
input file of line-separated subdomains used in the DNS
brute force (default is bitquark-subdomains-top100000.txt)
input file of line-separated nameserver IPs used in the
DNS brute force
--tasks TASKS number of concurrent tasks in the brute-force queue
(default is 256)
--timeout TIMEOUT timeout on DNS resolution (default is 5)
--dns-retries DNS_RETRIES
retries for DNS resolution (default is 2)
-m enable mutation brute force
input file of line-separated strings used in the
mutation DNS brute force (default is
--autopilot ignore input() prompts
--max-alts MAX_ALTS generated mutations limit, which if exceeded the
mutation brute force will not run (useful with
--autopilot), default is ~500,000
--san enable Subject Alt Names search
--loop run in a continuous loop
output file to save results
-v enable verbosity
--debug enable debug log level
--silent disable terminal output
python snrublist3r.py -d example.com -v --fast
python snrublist3r.py -d example.com -v -b --subdomains ./lists/shubs-subdomains.txt -m
python snrublist3r.py -d example.com -v -b -m --disable-scraping
🧠 Note: The system DNS resolver will be used by default, so in the interests of going fast and not DoS'ing yourself it's recommended to not do this and instead use the -nf
option with the provided ./lists/top-resolvers.txt, this will rotate through Cloudflare, Google, OpenDNS, and Quad9 DNS resolvers.
Python 3.9.0+ is recommended for use of removeprefix() function
git clone https://github.com/b3n-j4m1n/snrublist3r-private.git
cd snrublist3r
python -m venv snrublist3r
source ./snrublist3r/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone https://github.com/b3n-j4m1n/snrublist3r-private.git
cd snrublist3r
python -m venv snrublist3r
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Async DNS Brute for the reference material for a fast as f*ck asynchronous DNS brute force.
- AltDNS for the subdomain mutation module.
- SecLists for the wordlists.
- resolvers for the resolvers.
- Sublist3r, a brilliant tool with lots of well-thought-out, practical ideas. It is ensuring the financial security of bug hunting for years to come.