Python interface to Metview, a meteorological workstation and batch system for accessing, examining, manipulating and visualising meteorological data. See documentation at's+Python+Interface
Click the link below to start a Binder session to try the examples online now:
- A working Metview 5 installation (at least version 5.0.3, ideally 5.3.0 or above), either from binaries or built from source.
Binary installation packages are available for many Linux distributions.
- An alternative is to build from the Metview Source Bundle. See
- Ensure that the command 'metview' will run this version by setting your PATH to include the 'bin' directory from where you built or installed it if it's not in a default location.
- A Python 3 interpreter (ideally version >= 3.5)
The package is installed from PyPI with:
$ pip install metview
You may run a simple selfcheck command to ensure that your system is set up correctly:
$ python -m metview selfcheck Hello world - printed from Metview! Trying to connect to a Metview installation... Metview version 5.2.0 found Your system is ready.
To manually test that your system is properly setup open a Python 3 interpreter and try:
>>> import metview as mv >>> mv.lowercase('Hello World!') 'hello world!'
The [examples](examples) folder contains some Jupyter notebooks and some standalone examples for you to try out!
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