Default Configuration tester using Ansible and Vagrant.
DEFCON reads Vagrant box definitions from a YAML file and provisions the machines according to the ansible paths set for each box.
Tests are executed from the specially defined testrunner Vagrant box defined in the Vagrantfile. Its playbook, configuration files and test scripts reside in ansible/testrunner. The testrunner provides DHCP for the test targets and keeps track of the active targets using hostfiles, allowing the target VM's to be reached at $NAME.testnet.rp.
The framework can be extended to include additional platforms by including these in the YAML file and providing the appropriate Ansible playbooks. In order to extend the tested applications the appropriate playbooks will have to be provided as well as an appropriate test script for the testrunner Vagrant box.
The framework ships with very basic scripts to test whether services are open and open for exploits. These scripts can also be substituted with, for example, NMAP NSE scripts.
Example use: ./ bind